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Memorial Day

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As we all prepare celebrate Memorial day 2014 with barbecues, parades and a day off I thought it might be fitting to put this day in perspective with a few facts.

1) Memorial Day was originally known a Decoration Day because it was a day when family and friends would gather to decorate the graves of the fallen as a remembrance. Food was often taken along and set out on sheets in the grass to foster a sense of community.

2) While the first Decoration Day events were held after the American Civil War in both the North and South, Waterloo New York was officially credited by Congressional act in 1966 as the birthplace of the tradition

3) A day set aside to remember the sacrifices of those lost became a national event in 1868

4) The term Memorial Day was first used in 1882 although for many the older term of Decoration Day remained in use until after World War 2. Memorial Day became the official name by Federal law in 1967

5) Traditionally Memorial Day is May 30. This along with 3 other holidays was changed to a specified Monday in 1971 by Federal law to allow for convenient 3 day weekends.

6) On Memorial Day, the flag of the United States is raised briskly to the top of the staff and then solemnly lowered to the half-staff position, where it remains only until noon. The half-staff position remembers those who gave their lives in service of their country. At noon, their memory is raised by the living, who resolve not to let their sacrifice be in vain, but to rise up in their stead and continue the fight for liberty and justice for all.

7) And most important of all:
Since the birth of our great nation 1,321,612 Americans have given their lives to protect our freedoms and defend our country. We owe them all a debt that we can never repay. But we can and should remember. So before we drink that beer or eat that burger let us take just a moment to honor their memory and their sacrifice by saying thank you.

To all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our Nation. Thank you for your service and thank you for my freedom

God bless America.

Edited by FFPCogs
50-65, FDNY 10-75, Bnechis and 5 others like this

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Excellent post!

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And remember, If you know or met a Veterian... Please shake their hand and say Thank You!

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Please, take the 20 minutes and watch the attached video. I was left speechless and in awe of MSG I'm sure all of you will be too.

Edited by FFPCogs
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Decoration Day is still listed in some places in CT state law, most notably on the list of holidays that have different hours for liquor sales.

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