
Westchester County Fire List

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Is the CPAT good for a certain amount of time or is it specific to the list? I took it last march but that was the last class to go through off that list.  Also has a new CPAT been scheduled yet?

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New list means a new process. When I took the Westchester cpat I was told it was good for one year (in that same list). If there's another academy there will be a CPAT, if you are being looked at for the next academy you will be called to take the CPAT. If you are not being looked at you won't get a call. 


Stop worry about when the next CPAT, academy, or batch of canvassing letters are. If it applies to you, you will be contacted .

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I think people want to know when the canvass letters go out because it's hope, and gives people reason to check the mail....especially when the postal service loses and is slow to deliver mail. I once almost lost out on a job because I didn't know canvass letters went out until I read it on here....I knew to be expecting one, but not when. Surely enough, the post office delivered it...two weeks after the deadline.


Also, CPAT's a pretty intense test, and people want the maximum time to get into shape for it. Ideally, everyone should be ready for it at anytime, but knowing it's coming is a good time to sharpen up, especially with a test that has a very delicate margin between pass and fail, and people want to ensure they are at their best so they don't miss out on a career of a lifetime.


People are curious about where lists are in the process, and the numerous message boards around the internet prove that.

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Thanks for the info. And yes it's good to have somewhat of a clue as to what's going on especially when they contacted 3 peekskill guys about the CPAT 24 hours before it was being given last year.

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Has anyone heard anything about interviews?  I know Peekskill sent a reasonably large group of people to the CPAT, just didn't know if they have interviews scheduled or if they wait until after to see who passes.

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When do canvas letters usually get sent out for upcoming hires?  Any rumors  on who's planning on hiring ?

Edited by dodff

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11 hours ago, dodff said:

When do canvas letters usually get sent out for upcoming hires?  Any rumors  on who's planning on hiring ?

Canvas letters get sent out when a dept is considering hiring. Doesn't even guarantee that people will be sent to cpat though. It's only a canvass


typically it's around 2-4 months prior to the start of rookie school, but last year, Peekskill canvassed and sent guys to the cpat with a week or so notice, so anything is possible.


as far as dept rumors go, I haven't heard who's hiring, but Rye, Rye Brook and Mamaroneck Town recently hired 2, 2 and 1 laid off Port Chester firefighters to fill vacancies. Garden City and Long Beach laid off guys have been hired in the past as well. 


Between laid off brothers in need of work and the 300+ 100s or better, there will not be all too much movement on this list.  I'd be surprised if they got through 50 people in 4 years 



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Its confirmed that there is no academy scheduled?

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It is confirmed that there is no fall academy. There weren't enough departments hiring for the fall to fill a class. There are rumblings of possibly bumping up the spring academy to Feb though. That isn't confirmed, but there is definitely no fall class. It had a tentative start date for approx Sept 19th if it was going to happen. 

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Anyone hear anything for departments canvassing for the Spring? There should be a good few places hiring, but since there was no fall class I'm wondering when canvass letters for Spring will be sent out. 

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2 hours ago, fd2410 said:

Anyone hear anything for departments canvassing for the Spring? There should be a good few places hiring, but since there was no fall class I'm wondering when canvass letters for Spring will be sent out. 

not being arrogant, but what makes you think that there will be a few good places hiring? Retirements are unpredictable. Wait for the call Dont overthink it.


Rather than posting on here.....clean up your resume, take an EMT class, search for other tests to take, stay in great shape...etc  thats the difference between those who get hired and those who dont.

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5 minutes ago, FF1 said:

not being arrogant, but what makes you think that there will be a few good places hiring? Retirements are unpredictable. Wait for the call Dont overthink it.


Rather than posting on here.....clean up your resume, take an EMT class, search for other tests to take, stay in great shape...etc  thats the difference between those who get hired and those who dont.


Are you on the job?

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4 minutes ago, fd2410 said:


Are you on the job?


I do not like to post my affiliation on here for the world to see. I do however, like to provide friendly advice and pointers for those looking to achieve their dream of becoming firefighters.


If you would like to send me a "pm" i can answer any questions you may have.


p.s. I did not mean to come across arrogant. I apologize if I did. The point is, the best thing to do is channel all of your energy into putting yourself in the best position to be hired. If you overthink things, it makes you nervous and that does not help matters



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 Hello everybody,

I have recently received the canvassing letter from Town of Mamaroneck. I had also received the canvassing letter from Scarsdale last year,  but ultimately never got a call for anything regarding that. The fact that I now got a letter from Mamaroneck does that mean that Scarsdale is no longer a possibility for me? 

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Canvass letters are used to judge interest of reachable candidates by departments.  You can still receive correspondence from S.F.D. along with other departments if they are hiring. More than one department at a time can canvass and interview a reachable candidate simultaneously. Not sure if there is an expiration date on a canvass letter. 


Keep your resume current , a suit pressed and not ill fitting, and a positive attitude.     


Besides rumor and hearsay, no one with direct knowledge is going to post here if a particular department is hiring.  


Best of luck. 

BFD1054, PCFD ENG58, Camean and 4 others like this

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Send it back promptly (i think you have like 2 weeks to reply), stay healthy, stay out of trouble, and don't get your hopes up. Hope it all works out for you.

Camean and x635 like this

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I received a canvass letter from MFD dated 2/17/17. I faxed my response. Good luck everyone.

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Anyone hear anything about when physicals are to be scheduled?

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1 hour ago, trollman200 said:

Anyone hear anything about when physicals are to be scheduled?



What do you mean by physicals?  medical?  the academy starts on Monday.  you should have all your pre academy stuff done by now,  also your dept that is hiring you,  schedules your physical

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No I meant the agility but that's my answer then lol. Next time around maybe. Thanks for the quick reply

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Has anyone else received a canvas letter from the town of mamaroneck?

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8 minutes ago, dodff said:

Has anyone else received a canvas letter from the town of mamaroneck?


Yes I received a letter last week from Mamaroneck... it was my second letter from them. The first letter had a lower salary back in February then the second one I received last week.

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Received another letter from Mamaroneck. Must be the 3rd or fourth I’ve gotten from them.

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There is no such thing as down the list


There are 300 scores of 100 or better


They are interviewing candidates in the 100 block, but can hire anyone with a score of 100


Rank means nothing. 100 is 100 they can hire #15 or they can hire #299, so long as they have a score of 100


95 and below have a 0% chance to get a call off of this list, there are far too many 100’s to get through before 95s will be reachable 

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Unless there is a resident list. Then if only 1 100 and they hire more then 1....So not 0% 

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