
Westchester County Fire List

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they are jerking people around as usual. they know who they want to hire before they even send anybody to the cpat. so if you have not interviewed you most likely won't be getting hired because the academy starts in 2-3 weeks

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Any clue what departments sent people for the cpat this last round? or better yet plans on hiring for this next class?

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March 23rd is the Next academy, heard 12-15 will be the number. Don't exactly know for who.

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Has anyone on here been contacted for anything after passing the cpat?

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Or know anyone who has been contacted

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I believe a new career fire academy class starts this Monday at the WCDES Training Center. I know Peekskill hired 4 guys, and I heard Port Chester had hired a couple for this class as well.

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Are you positive peekskill hired 4?

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Watch the port Chester village meeting a few weeks ago and it might enlighten you on all your questions.....

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Port Chester has 3 in this class with a new mayor last Tuesday,they got hired on Friday.

Edited by PCFD ENG58

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So how did Peekskill choose the guys? Shouldn't there have been at least an interview given to each guy who passed the cpat?

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Maybe Peekskill did like Port Chester, they hired the same that where ready for the last class but got screwed day's before it started.

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You do have a point. If that's the case than it's understandable

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If you were taking the towns and village test and answered 105 Questions do they take points off for not following directions?

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if anything it would be a disqualification, not losing points but I don't know if they enforce that

redtruck75 likes this

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If you can't read the simple damn directions on a written test, why should you be hired? If everyone complains that it's "sooooo easy", why is this even a question? Sounds like you don't know how to follow simple written instructions.

Edited by newsbuff
Bnechis, FF398, fireguy287 and 3 others like this

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I am 60 years old and retired from the fire department and did not take the test. I agree with what you said but you still did not answer my question. All I am doing is looking for a answer, not what you think is the answer.

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I am 60 years old and retired from the fire department and did not take the test. I agree with what you said but you still did not answer my question. All I am doing is looking for a answer, not what you think is the answer.

My apologies, I ASSumed given the nature of the question.

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If you were taking the towns and village test and answered 105 Questions do they take points off for not following directions?

No, it is not a DQ or an automatic failure and no they do not take points off. As long as they answered the required 60 questions for the towns and villages, the only things anyone who did all 105 was waste time and energy on unnecessary questions...and yes...prove that they can not follow simple instructions...

Edited by yfd910
redtruck75, Bnechis and newsbuff like this

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I always take my info off Emergency services info boards. How about picking up the phone and calling Westchester County Human Resources.

AFS1970, FFSiano and lemonice like this

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I doubt thats true. they usually take 6 months + for every test ive ever taken

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So i called Human Resources, as the original poster of "the results are out" comment should have.

As per HR, some time in October for the Westchester County Firefighter exam results to be certified and released.

nydude2473 likes this

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My apologies, it wasn't Westchester. Another dept that tested and cross filed that day.

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Was it just me or did anyone else see on march 23rd, the news posting of 4 New Peekskill FireFighters being sworn in and now its been taken down? And as an additional question, if you're sworn in, are you still hired?

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