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Engine Co 7 folklore: 25 seconds out the door and the meaning of BMA

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Great anecdote from a retired Deputy Chief of the Syracuse FD.

Best line in the story:
"Because if you don't have company esprit d'corp...if you don't think you're good, no one else will...and these guys were good"

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Nice post! Thanks brother.

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Excellent saying.. Could be held for all of Emergency Services

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Thats an excellent attitude. Now ask him how many Engine company's they had when he worked there and how many they have now? Keep trying to beat the other company in, morons.

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Thats an excellent attitude. Now ask him how many Engine company's they had when he worked there and how many they have now? Keep trying to beat the other company in, morons.

His personal pride and pride in his company have nothing to do with the amount of companies, then or now. That has more to do with politics than anything else. It is not something an individual company officer has any say or influence in.

A work ethic like that is rarely seen anymore, but it is sorely needed.

Calling them "morons" is uncalled for.

Edited by 10512
SageVigiles, Danger, lt411 and 2 others like this

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Wrong, the more morons we get trying to prove they can beat the other company in the less morons we will have. As a retired police officer you have no experience with it. They never get rid of cops, they just usually think one is enough.

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Wrong, the more morons we get trying to prove they can beat the other company in the less morons we will have. As a retired police officer you have no experience with it. They never get rid of cops, they just usually think one is enough.

As far as getting rid of cops? They do, NYC is down 6,000 cops since 2002, so, yes, they do get rid of cops.

I will let my original statement stand on its own and not even address your reasoning as to why, how and who decides reductions.

If you really believe that cutbacks are decided by one company beating another to a call, then I cannot argue your logic.

Edited by 10512
velcroMedic1987 and Danger like this

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