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California Welfare Fraud - Welfare Vacation?

6 posts in this topic

$69 Million withdrawn from ATMs in exotic vacation locations using pre-paid welfare debit cards...

Millions withdrawn from Las Vegas Casino ATMs, ATMs in Hawaii, ATMs on Cruise Ships, and ATMs in South Beach, Miami.

We work hard and pay our taxes while these savages have the times of their lives at our expense...

See video below:

PoqFFEMT and BIGRED1 like this

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The liberals refuse to enforce our immigration laws....then claim that the immigration system is "broken." What's BROKEN is the welfare system. It invites fraud....and fraud is what it generates.

They should go back to the commodities system where those who qualified could pick up food boxes once a month. The boxes did not contain rib steak, frozen mashed potatoes, or McDonald's coupons, they contained rice, flour, "government cheese", canned pork, bread, etc. It was designed to keep the needy from going hungry without any frills. It also helped the farmers who provided the commodities to the government.

As a fairly affluent society, we have an OBLIGATION to help those who are unable to help themselves. But that obligation does not extend to those who use and abuse the system.

PoqFFEMT, RES24CUE, Bnechis and 1 other like this

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Just amazing. It's the "rush to flush" our tax dollars as quickly as possible down the nearest toilet. The Governments (Local, State, Federal) have ceased being accountable to the citizenry. We let it happen, and now it can't be fixed.

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$69 Million withdrawn from ATMs in exotic vacation locations using pre-paid welfare debit cards...

Millions withdrawn from Las Vegas Casino ATMs, ATMs in Hawaii, ATMs on Cruise Ships, and ATMs in South Beach, Miami.

We work hard and pay our taxes while these savages have the times of their lives at our expense...

See video below:

It's a partisan website; how about posting a website with that on it which is non-partisan in nature? Lot's of allegations, but not much real evidence unless you believe the pitchman.

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It's a partisan website; how about posting a website with that on it which is non-partisan in nature? Lot's of allegations, but not much real evidence unless you believe the pitchman.

So you don't actually think that any of the people who receive welfare benefits in this country are doing so fraudulently or abusing the system? How deep is your head in the sand? Where do you work that you don't see this first hand? This has been reported elsewhere and what do you need for there to be proof? The entirety of your paycheck being taken away from you to pay for others who do nothing? I am sorry to say but this isn't news, it happens every day in every state. Politicians and the media ignore it because of what a large chunk of the population they would isolate themselves from by bringing attention to it. If you really think that this is simply some story manufactured by a political party to get some publicity, then you are sorely lacking in the amount of attention you pay to what really goes on in the majority of this country and the bowels of our political system. Money buys votes, money for nothing buys more. Welfare abuse is rampant in this country, and if you want to turn a blind eye to it be prepared to see more and more of your check go towards federal income tax.

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So you don't actually think that any of the people who receive welfare benefits in this country are doing so fraudulently or abusing the system? How deep is your head in the sand? Where do you work that you don't see this first hand? This has been reported elsewhere and what do you need for there to be proof? The entirety of your paycheck being taken away from you to pay for others who do nothing? I am sorry to say but this isn't news, it happens every day in every state. Politicians and the media ignore it because of what a large chunk of the population they would isolate themselves from by bringing attention to it. If you really think that this is simply some story manufactured by a political party to get some publicity, then you are sorely lacking in the amount of attention you pay to what really goes on in the majority of this country and the bowels of our political system. Money buys votes, money for nothing buys more. Welfare abuse is rampant in this country, and if you want to turn a blind eye to it be prepared to see more and more of your check go towards federal income tax.

No, I never said that. What I said is that I'd to see a credible link to basically back up the allegations that this pitchman made. Obviously there are people who use the system regardless of whether they are on welfare or not. I'd just like to see where they got their information from and the sampling rates unless its an opinion piece in which case it has no crediblity.

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