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Stiloskis Automotive Military Surplus Oshkosh Wrecker

9 posts in this topic

Yes, because they really need it.....

Maybe its just me, but I'm much more concerned that there are towns that have 9 Chiefs cars in service but only 5 Engines than I am with a PRIVATE company buying a large military tow rig.

Last I checked the owner of a private company can spend his money as he pleases. This being America and all.

Edited by SageVigiles
Danger, BFD1054, PCFD ENG58 and 9 others like this

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Will this get a standard Stiloski's paint job at some point? Being camouflaged is usually less than desirable on an accident scene.

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Great truck. It is a MK 48 primer mover with a MK 15 wrecker body on it.. The USMC used them. It articulates in the middle, and you can put a few different versions of body's (trailers actually) on it. Painting over the CARC paint is a PITA. The best way to do it is sand blast, prime and paint it, but that is a HUGE undertaking with a truck this size, even when you separate the front from the rear. And if you do, don't drive more than 2MPH or else it will tip.

Edited by 38ff
x635, BFD1054 and Capejake72 like this

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Thanks for the info, 38ff!

Just spoke to John.

The Oshkosh MK-48 with and MK-15 vehicle recovery module. It is a 2010, and has 210 miles on same .We did not paint it before the winter because we have other surplus units we are working on, and before we painted it we wanted to make sure it was in good working order. We changed 54 hydraulic lines and serviced the entire unit and it has been great. We are painting it silver and red next month.

I have some more photos I will post soon.

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I doubt it was a 2010. Much more likely REBUILT at depot in 2010 at MCLB Barstow or Albany (Georgia) or much much more likely titled wrong. (That happens a lot with surplus trucks). The LVSR (it's replacement) was being procured before 2010, and the bulk of the MK 48 series trucks were all procured in the mid 1980s. I liked the self loading trailers, they were very useful.

Uncle Sam stopped selling the front half of the unit soon after they started selling them, and it is unlikely more will be released. The trailers are available and cheap thru Government Liquidation.

Edited by 38ff

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