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College professor attacks "myth of the heroic fireman"

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Public myths are necessary to the sustenance of political order, but bad myths can undermine democratic decision-making. The worst are those which single out groups for special praise or vilification. I can think of no group in our society more affirmatively mythologized than firemen. They are lauded as heroes, their sacrifices valorized, and their sites of failure taken as sacred ground.

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Obviously, this guy, along with everyone else in the US, has a right to their own opinion. And I will agree with his original thesis statement, which is that fire men, and emergency services in general shouldn't be regarded as heroes. I could be wrong, but all most everyone I know would say "I'm not a hero". After the thesis statement though, it quickly becomes an opinion piece, either that or he doesn't understand the evidence he's looking at. Yes, the Holland FD only has working fires at 3.8 percent of their calls, but he claims the 3.8 percent actually represents suspected fire too (that total is actually 20.7 percent). He then goes on to the FDNY. Yes they've received a lot more money in terms of funding, but alot of that has gone towards terrorism preparedness and future natural disasters, such as another hurricane sandy. Also, does he realize that the FDNY dropped a firefighter off every engine company? In my opinion, this professor is one of those people who think that if they're not fighting fires, firefighters are sitting around eating lunch and playing checkers, which as we all know is untrue. Also, it may seem that emergency services get paid alot, even though we aren't actively working at emergencies all that much, but as a professor of mine put it "emergency services don't get paid for what they do do, they get paid for what they may have to do."

IFCO3080, Capejake72, x635 and 2 others like this

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I just sent Mr Polet an email. Lets see if he responds. It would be nice if we could all send him a short but sweet email and load up his inbox. I will post any response he may have.

Mr Polet

I read in disbelief the totally clueless view you have of the fire service. Let me fill you in on a total misguidance in this country. The need for a college education taught by clueless people as yourself. As I prepare to send my first child to higher education in 3 years I often second guess any encouragement I may give. The colleges and universities charge outrageous prices to brainwash our youth into believing what clowns like you are teaching. This in turn will breed more clowns like you to brainwash more of our youth. More kids should be encouraged to join the trades and earn an honest living and forget about $200,000.00 worth of debt to sit in a classroom and be taught by someone with your "expertise". Get off your educational high horse Mr Polet. You and all your colleagues do not impress me.

Mr Polet, I have been a career firefighter for 19 years now in an urban fire dept in NYS. I pray that you and your family never need the assistance of my Brothers in Holland. I will also pray Mr Polet that if in fact you do need assistance from my Brothers in Holland that they show the courage and professionalism we all have.

Edited by lad12derff
BFD1054, sfrd18, SmokeyJoe and 6 others like this

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I must agree with Mr. Polet on one point. I, too dislike the term "First Responder." I prefer to be called a Firefighter. Many people draw their picture of our job just like Mr. Polet. To them, we spend our days sitting around the kitchen table playing cards or checkers and expecting a big pension for doing so. As a college professor, he should know that you can't just make a statement like that without research to see if it's true. I suggest he, using the Scientific Method, do a survey of firehouses nationally to see how many fire stations even have a checkerboard or a deck of cards in their quarters.

He is also correct when he says that people should learn to save themselves and their families without the aid of firefighters. Every family should have an escape plan to safely get out of their home without the aid of firefighters. It should also have two ways out and a meeting place outside. The man is a genius! Why didn't we think of that?

He also says we should be preventing fires or trying to end destructive fires altogether. Right again, Mr. Polet, we should be pushing for laws that require automatic sprinklers, even in one family homes and college dorms. Those are two places where the fire death rate is high.

As for the "America's heroes" image? I've only made three rescues in my 34 years on the job. That's not very productive of me, so I never thought of myself as a hero. I am sure the average college professor is more worthy of the title because in the same 34 years he will have passed his "knowledge" on to hundreds of young men and women.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. Just call me "Firefighter," I'll be happy with that because I can meet up with any Firefighter in the World and I'll know what he does for a living. Mr. Polet can have the title "First Responder" if he likes, but he'll have to start showing up at emergencies in under 5 minutes to keep the title because that's when we get there, rain or shine, day or night, Christmas included. And even if we don't like you, we'll get on our bellies, go into the fire, and pull your sorry ass out.

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I must agree with Mr. Polet on one point. I, too dislike the term "First Responder." I prefer to be called a Firefighter. Many people draw their picture of our job just like Mr. Polet. To them, we spend our days sitting around the kitchen table playing cards or checkers and expecting a big pension for doing so. As a college professor, he should know that you can't just make a statement like that without research to see if it's true. I suggest he, using the Scientific Method, do a survey of firehouses nationally to see how many fire stations even have a checkerboard or a deck of cards in their quarters.He is also correct when he says that people should learn to save themselves and their families without the aid of firefighters. Every family should have an escape plan to safely get out of their home without the aid of firefighters. It should also have two ways out and a meeting place outside. The man is a genius! Why didn't we think of that?He also says we should be preventing fires or trying to end destructive fires altogether. Right again, Mr. Polet, we should be pushing for laws that require automatic sprinklers, even in one family homes and college dorms. Those are two places where the fire death rate is high.As for the "America's heroes" image? I've only made three rescues in my 34 years on the job. That's not very productive of me, so I never thought of myself as a hero. I am sure the average college professor is more worthy of the title because in the same 34 years he will have passed his "knowledge" on to hundreds of young men and women.I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. Just call me "Firefighter," I'll be happy with that because I can meet up with any Firefighter in the World and I'll know what he does for a living. Mr. Polet can have the title "First Responder" if he likes, but he'll have to start showing up at emergencies in under 5 minutes to keep the title because that's when we get there, rain or shine, day or night, Christmas included. And even if we don't like you, we'll get on our bellies, go into the fire, and pull your sorry ass out.

Thanks chief, your words sum it up. I do hope that you will share your thoughts with the professor, who clearly needs to further his own education!

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