
New Apparatus Orders/Deliveries - All Areas Discussion Thread

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Prince George's County, MD is at Pierce for the final inspection of HAZMAT 816. Due to the size of the county, PGFD's HAZMAT Team includes three stations. Station 816 (Northview) is located somewhat centrally within the county and has the larger HAZMAT rig. A Breathing Air Unit, Decon Unit, and the Safety Officer also run out of that house. Station 812 (College Park) and Station 845 (Marlboro/Croom) have smaller HAZMAT Support Units (similar to a soda truck) to get things started until 816 arrives. The Technical Rescue Team is set up in a similar fashion for collapse, confined space, and high angle; with a large cache of centralized equipment and two satellite stations.

Photos are courtesy of PGFD Fire Chief Benjamin Barksdale on Twitter:




Edited by SageVigiles
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Latest on  New Fort Lee Rescue Chassis was delivered & Body was placed on to the chassis this past Monday Truck committee was down at Rescue 1 plant Tuesday to view progress  Sorry guy's no pictures they are for committee members  I was told  ; ( have to wait til sometime in August it see the real thing It's going to be something quite different then the  present Rescue  Rumored to be going to wildwood this year too

Edited by vodoly
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BMFD's Scarborough Engine Company (Engine 92) has formed a truck committee.

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56 minutes ago, fdalumnus said:

john, what size pump and tank?


500 gpm, 300 gallons.

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Port Chester has approved funding for the replacement of Rescue 40.



Bond Resolution C-$1,000,000 Acquisition of a Fire Fighting Vehicle 20 years


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7 hours ago, Viper said:

Port Chester has approved funding for the replacement of Rescue 40.



That's some big bucks for a new Rescue Are they getting all new tools for it? 

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I know communities operate differently. Having said that, in my area many cities have money for capital and equipment purchases separate from money for staff. So even if cities are having staffing issues capital projects, including vehicle purchases, still take place. I do agree though that a million seems excessive for a rescue. My Dept just got a 2016 rosenbauer commander rescue pumper with new jaws for $550,000.

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Fair Lawn Heavy Rescue ordered a Spartan Rescue 1 Rescue to replace Rescue 1 Will be their 3rd unit built by Rescue 1 Cliffside park has a replacement for Engine 5 on next years capital budget Pierce I believe 

Edited by vodoly
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18 hours ago, vodoly said:

Fair Lawn Heavy Rescue ordered a Spartan Rescue 1 Rescue to replace Rescue 1 Will be their 3rd unit built by Rescue 1 Cliffside park has a replacement for Engine 5 on next years capital budget Pierce I believe 

FL Rescue in production is only the 2nd from Rescue 1. The rescue they are replacing is a Spartan/3D.  The current R2 is a Spartan/Rescue 1. They also have an International/Hackney Haz-Mat that is also getting replaced with this new unit.



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3 hours ago, LED138 said:

FL Rescue in production is only the 2nd from Rescue 1. The rescue they are replacing is a Spartan/3D.  The current R2 is a Spartan/Rescue 1. They also have an International/Hackney Haz-Mat that is also getting replaced with this new unit.



My Bad Alittle trivia for us Fair Lawn's Former Ford C E one is in service with Point Pleasant Beach First Aid Squad as a dive/water rescue unit 

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23 hours ago, vodoly said:

My Bad Alittle trivia for us Fair Lawn's Former Ford C E one is in service with Point Pleasant Beach First Aid Squad as a dive/water rescue unit 

That is correct. I believe they are looking to replace it as well. Also, Fair Lawn Engine 3 is working on specs for a new Engine 3.... It will be pushing the current E-3 2001 Spartan/Saulsbury (a true Saulsbury) to Engine 5, which is the 2nd piece out of Co. 3 and also the Dept. spare. The current Engine 5, 1996 Duplex/Saulsbury (former E-1) will be retired.

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1 hour ago, LED138 said:

That is correct. I believe they are looking to replace it as well. Also, Fair Lawn Engine 3 is working on specs for a new Engine 3.... It will be pushing the current E-3 2001 Spartan/Saulsbury (a true Saulsbury) to Engine 5, which is the 2nd piece out of Co. 3 and also the Dept. spare. The current Engine 5, 1996 Duplex/Saulsbury (former E-1) will be retired.

That Engine 3 Fair Lawn Has is a beautiful Piece Love the Mural 

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On 6/13/2017 at 6:57 PM, vodoly said:

That Engine 3 Fair Lawn Has is a beautiful Piece Love the Mural 

Thanks. I gave Ed May the foundation for it, he brought it to life. And added several different features to it, If you know Ed there is always hidden features and a hidden story to his work. 

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3 hours ago, LED138 said:

Thanks. I gave Ed May the foundation for it, he brought it to life. And added several different features to it, If you know Ed there is always hidden features and a hidden story to his work. 

Oh Yeah  Once heard & saw a cigar on Elmwood Park Truck 4's. Art work by him  Another beautiful job by him

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3 hours ago, LED138 said:

Thanks. I gave Ed May the foundation for it, he brought it to life. And added several different features to it, If you know Ed there is always hidden features and a hidden story to his work. 

Oh Yeah  Once heard & saw a cigar on Elmwood Park Truck 4's. Art work by him  Another beautiful job by him

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Marlborough Fire District just put out to bid a replacement for the 1994 Duplex/Saulsbury Rescue

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On 6/29/2017 at 2:05 PM, 38ff said:

Marlborough Fire District just put out to bid a replacement for the 1994 Duplex/Saulsbury Rescue


I was only five, but I remember when Marlborough first got R-38-60. Probably my favorite rig when I was a kid.

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38-60 will be for sale in a year or so.   You can own it.

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Englewood Hospital & Medical Center has a 2017  Braun on a F450 4WD Chassis due to be delivered before the end of the year With 2nd one to be delivered in early 2018 I was told our new EMS director from Jersey City Medical Center 's a big fan of the F series Chassis 

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Saddle Brook Nj ordered a Pierce Impel 75 foot Quint Replacing a Pierce Pumper

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Any photo's of the New New Rochelle apparatus.... Thanks

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Latest on Fort Lee's new Rescue They took the present Rescue down to Rescue One so they can set up the storage & selves Also finalized Graphics here's a pic off of Rescue 1's facebook 


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