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Introduce Yourself!

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Figured I'd get this thing going again since I haven't introduced myself.

Most of you have seen my IA's for Ulster County, which is where I reside. I'm a member of the Lomontville Fire Department, which is pretty much in between Hurley and Stone Ridge. We are a rural fire department, 15 square miles or so (I think 10 of those alone are cornfields :lol:), and we get less than 150 calls a year. I'm hoping one day to get into dispatching, as I love knowing what's going on at all times. I've taken a couple tours at the Ulster County Communications Center in Kingston, and absolutely loved it.

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Welcome all... and kumusta and mabuhay to my Filipino brother! Enjoy this site. It's an excellent source of info and entertainment. You may love what is said or you may hate it, but so long as you post intelligently and with respect, your views are as welcome as you are!

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I figure its about time that I finally introduce myself. My name is Connor Dugan and my screen name is coman. I'm a firefighter with the Hurley fire department in Ulster County. I've been an active member for 6 years. 3 as a cadet and 3 as a full interior firefighter. Unfortunately I had to give up my lieutenant's position that I held for the last two years because I moved out of the district for college. I am an emt-b and I run with my department's rigs. I'm currently in Cobleskill NY for school and fun with my school's ems squad. I'm currently working on my bachelors in landscape contracting and while I'm here goin to get ny medic while I'm here. At some point when I have the free time I'm going to become a mutual aid member with Cobleskill FD. I'm here to share and ask for information. I love the site and I'm glad that it didn't go down because this is too valuable of a resource to lose. Great job to Seth and his team

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Thank you Connor for introducing yourself, and for the kind words about the site. I really appreciate it.

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Hi, my name is Madison. I have been a firefighter with Pleasantville FD for almost 4 years. I have been an EMT/Driver with Pleasantville Vac for 2 years. I recently became a Lt. with PVAC. This is a great site and is full of excellent information. Stay safe!

People have been asking why I am so active in the Upstate I/A forum and why I am always talking about Potsdam FD in posts, so I figured I'd fill people in... I am a Mutual Aid member with the Potsdam FD while up in Potsdam for college obtaining a double bachelors in Music Education and Music Performance with a concentration on special needs music. That should clear up the confusion .

Welcome to our newest members. I hope you enjoy and absorb the abundance of great knowledge that is passed around on EMTBravo!

Edited by PFDRes47cue
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Hello my name is Pete. I am a volunteer ff/emt in Ellington Ct. A small town northeast of Hartford.

A mechanic/truckdriver by trade.

Emt since 1990

FF 1 sinice 2003

Great to have a place like this to share stories, photos and incidents from the area. Pete.

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Hello all i'm a former volunteer firefighter and fire buff and history nut. I love everything that has to do with the fire service including taking pictures and reading and researching all the old fires and everything that goes along with them.

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Hi everyone,

Thought I would stop looking around and finally start posting.

My name is Marc I have been in the EMS field for about 4-5 years, I was a past member and Captain of the Yorktown Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Youth Group 2008-2009. I am currently a member of Pleasantville Volunteer Ambulance Corps for a little over a year now. I received my EMT-B Certification at WCC a little over a year ago. I am a student at Pace University, studying Information Systems; I am pursuing a minor in Internet assurance and Criminal Justice and will be graduating in May of 2012 and getting my masters by May of 2013.

Nice to meet everyone,


Edited by EMT327
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Hello, I'm a career firefighter/paramedic from Indiana. Wanted to get on here to just be able to tap into peoples experiences and opinions. Any questions for me, I'll gladly help in any way. Thanks and have a great day.

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We are all Americans, we are all Brothers (even the Sisters). Welcome aboard. I hope you all become active here in the forums. It's always refreshing to read different perspectives from around the country.
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Hi, my name is Dave, I currently live in south Florida, but I'm originally from Peekskill, where I was a member of Columbian Engine Co #1. I am an Ex Captain at CE 1. I mover to NH for 8 years where I was a paid on call FF/ EMT for Gilford Fire Rescue. I love EMT Bravo. It great to be so far away from my roots but still able to see what's happening there with Fire Police & EMS. Seth and everyone at EMT Bravo do a great job!

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My name is Matt and I just completed my EMT course in august, I am a youth squad EMT for dumont volunteer ambulance corps.

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My name is Matt and I just completed my EMT course in august, I am a youth squad EMT for dumont volunteer ambulance corps.

Welcome aboard Matt. Take full advantage of the abundance of knowledge that is passed around this site. There are a lot of very experienced members from FD, PD, and EMS backgrounds. Feel free to contribute to posts and share your knowledge. Even the most experienced and seasoned guys can learn a thing or two from the young guys. Congrats on getting your EMT!

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Hello.....I'm Tom and I'm new to the site. I'm a ex captain of a small dept in Nassau Cnty. I looked for some forums with Nassau Cnty in it and cant find it. Am I blind??? lol Anyway..this site looks interesting.

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Hello.....I'm Tom and I'm new to the site. I'm a ex captain of a small dept in Nassau Cnty. I looked for some forums with Nassau Cnty in it and cant find it. Am I blind??? lol Anyway..this site looks interesting.

Welcome aboard Tom. This is a great forum. I think there's a Nassau County Rant out there someplace.....

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Well i think its time to introduce myself. My name is Brendan Nugent. I am a firefighter and EMT-B with the Hurley Fire Department in Ulster County. i have been in the department for 6 years including three years as a cadet.. I Graduated from Dutchess Community College from the Fire Science program with an Associated in Fire and Occupational Safety and currently am in my senior year at the University of New Haven studying Fire/Arson investigation. I find this website to be very informational. I like seeing whats going on in the area and the amazing photos that are taken

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Hello Everyone

My name is Mike McRann. I have been working as an EMT for almost 26 years for a private ambulance company.

I started out in March of 1985 for Medevac Ambulance in El Monte, then stayed with the company thru several buyouts and mergers (Crippen/Medtrans/AMR).

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Hello Everyone

My name is Mike McRann. I have been working as an EMT for almost 26 years for a private ambulance company.

I started out in March of 1985 for Medevac Ambulance in El Monte, then stayed with the company thru several buyouts and mergers (Crippen/Medtrans/AMR).

Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy the site!

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Hey everybody,

Dont think ive already posted here and didnt see any previous posts so here goes. My name is Ian Haggerty, im currently finishing up my Junior year of electrical highschool in Mass. Ive been on this fourm for a while, being a large FDNY buff, and buff of pretty much all agencies small and large. Finally turning 16 im able to join the local Vol. FDs, tomorrow will be my first meeting for a FD a few towns away. Not sure what my lifes plan is, probably follow my fathers footsteps into Law Enforcement or who knows what this world will bring in my future. All in all i have a large intrest in anything police or fire related, and like to learn as much as i can. So far this has been a great forum to be part of and i enjoy the different things posted here. -Ian.

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Welcome to the site Ian. Don't worry about your first meeting. It's going to be interesting but they will be happy to have you aboard. I hope that you also use the tools and references in this site. Its a great tool for all of us.

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Hi All:

Irwin Marks here. I am a freelance videographer for News 12 as well as other television stations out if NYC and live in Hastings On Hudson.

I drive around Westchester with 2 scanners in my car shooting fires, auto accidents, shootings and other newsworthy incidents. Perhaps you've seen me around. Perhaps I put you on tv. If I did I hope I got your good side (get that one alll the time).

Next time you see me say hi! I love what I do and wouldn't mind being asked for copies of the videos by departments for training purposes or just to watch yourselves!

My email address is and all emails come to my cell phone so I respond immediately.

If there is something you're involved in email me and I'll be right there!

Cya around and stay safe.


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Hello- My name is Mike, from Northampton,MA. I am a armorer for a firearms maker in New England, I grew up in Westchester and still have many friends and relatives in the area who are Fire/LE/EMS. They suggested EMTBravo to to keep in the loop for happenings back home.

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Welcome to all new members, and thanks for introducing yourselves! We look foward to seeing your posts on the forum!

Hello- My name is Mike, from Northampton,MA. I am a armorer for a firearms maker in New England, I grew up in Westchester and still have many friends and relatives in the area who are Fire/LE/EMS. They suggested EMTBravo to to keep in the loop for happenings back home.

Don't forget to check out as well

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Hi, my name is John I am a retired Fire Fighterfrom the PortChesterF.D. 1969-1990 also former Paramedic with Abbey Richmond Ambulance.I am also a Reisterde Nurse and worked for many years in the ER at United Hospital in Port Chester

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My name is Mike from upstate NY.. Gouverneur. Im currently a EMT-B. I volunteer with Gouverneur Rescue, Indian River Ambulance Service, Richville Fire/First Responders, and am employed with Seaway Valley Ambulance. I do BLS care on E-Calls, also interfacility trips to bigger hospitals. I plan on getting my Paramedic or going for my ILS/ALS this fall.

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Pete Watson 15 year volunteer member with Eastchester. Member of Union Corners Engine & Hose Co. 4 -Engine 30. Rose through the volunteer ranks to Deputy Chief. Currently living in N. Westchester and looking to associate with a new department soon.

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Pete Watson 15 year volunteer member with Eastchester. Member of Union Corners Engine & Hose Co. 4 -Engine 30. Rose through the volunteer ranks to Deputy Chief. Currently living in N. Westchester and looking to associate with a new department soon.

Who's Town/Village/District are you living in ?

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My name is Andy Munzing and I live in Cicero Illinois which is just west of Chicago. I am originally from Boston and have buffed both cities since the mid-70's but have slowed down a bit in my older years. My son was a USMC CFR firefighter and served 2 tours in Iraq as well as a tour with a private contractor. I do a lot of posting on NYCFirenet under the same name. Your site seems to consist of many interesting posts, hope to add my 2 cents worth :rolleyes:

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Hey folks, as My nic sorta suggests I retired From Bridgeport, Ct. after 22 years there I was orginally born n raised In New London County which is home to the Casinos and Tourist venues In Mystic and the RI beaches, Submarines, and i had been an active firefighter, driver operator and pump op. even a couple years as a Company officer back in the day, I recently as 2006 was made a life member in one department, and I dispatched for 4 years before getting on the job, so I've been activly involved for 35 years...

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