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My name is Paul Balentine (obviously) I am a Captain in the York Village Fire Dept. (York, Maine) I am also a paid FF in a career FD in Salem, NH

Welcome to the forum, Paul! I remember taking a trip up 128 to York Village when I was wanting good lobster when I lived in Woburn, MA. I wish I was more into appparatus photography then, I loved the Mack Sqaud and the ALF Aerochief!

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Greetings, my name is Brian. Interviewing next week with Care1 EMS in Yonkers. Anyone looking for EMT or Paramedic positions, don't wait too long. They're currently interviewing

and hiring for new station in Yonkers.

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My name is Ryan, I am 22 years old. I am a dispatcher in Putnam County, originally from the Bronx, moved up here to see how i'd like it, and turn out to love it. I am glad to be apart of this website, and reading everyones posts! I plan on becoming a part of a local fire department, once I get to know the area a little bit better. I worked in Somers at IBM for 2 months, then went closer to home to dispatch. Somers ( for right now) is my favorite town so far that i have been in. I have a seperate radio just for Somers dispatch, thats why you'll see me post Somers IA's, etc. I also plan on becoming a photographer (maybe, just maybe as good as Seth :P ) and exploring the state.

Look forward to talking to you all soon.


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I'm Josh and I volunteer in Hanover VA. I'm also a fire explorer in Henrico and I love EVERYTHING about the fire dept and that's pretty much why I'm here lol

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Hi,I am Tony a member of the Tappan Fire Dept. Rockland County. I have 37 a volunteer and hold the position of Haz/mat and Safety Office. I am an active member with the Rockland County Safety Officers. The members in our Dept. train hard and are dedicated fire-fighters which are led by a group of knowledgeable and experienced officers.

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Hey there! My name is Eli, and I'm a Search and Rescue Technician with a volunteer group in the Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada. I live just a short distance from Buffalo, New York. That usually helps people get a better idea of where I'm conquering the world from ;) I'm currently in the process of applying to take the Primary Care Paramedic course here in Niagara, and, with any luck, I'll be graduating early 2013, and moving out to the west coast to pursue a Paramedic/Search and Rescue career out in British Columbia.

The reasons I'm here are various and numerous, and probably even a little contagious. I just want to better myself by gaining some knowledge, and by spreading some of my knowledge around. I'm an instructor with the Navy League Cadets of Canada, so, I volunteer 6 hours a week to teach 9-12 year old kids things like knots, First-Aid, water safety, radio procedures, drill, self-discipline, confidence, teamwork, leadership, things of that nature.

I'm also an AVID firebuff, I ride with the Buffalo, NY Fire Department every chance I get. I rarely miss a structure fire here in my hometown, although, thankfully, they don't come too often.

If you've got a question I haven't answered here, feel free to drop me a line, and I'll most definately get back to ya! Likewise, even if you just wanna shoot the sh*t or vent about something/one/what, I have an open door policy! :)



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my names Brett, Ive been volunteering in this county for nearly 10 years now.

7 years in Chappaqua fire department and have now been in Mt. Kisco for 3 years, currently serving as 1 assistant engineer for E106.

I have had my EMT for about three years and have been involved with Chappaqua/ Mt. Kisco vac for about 6 years.

I am a member of the county's Technical Rescue Team and have been active with them for about 4 years.

additionally i serve our country as a member of the US Army (68w- combat medic) and look forward to my deployment early next year.

Other than all that i currently go to school at WCC as well as John Jay College majoring in criminal justice with a minor in emergency management.

im new as a poster to this site but a long time viewer. keep it up.

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my names Brett, Ive been volunteering in this county for nearly 10 years now.

7 years in Chappaqua fire department and have now been in Mt. Kisco for 3 years, currently serving as 1 assistant engineer for E106.

I have had my EMT for about three years and have been involved with Chappaqua/ Mt. Kisco vac for about 6 years.

I am a member of the county's Technical Rescue Team and have been active with them for about 4 years.

additionally i serve our country as a member of the US Army (68w- combat medic) and look forward to my deployment early next year.

Other than all that i currently go to school at WCC as well as John Jay College majoring in criminal justice with a minor in emergency management.

im new as a poster to this site but a long time viewer. keep it up.

Thanks you for serving. Stay safe during your deployment next year. God Bless!

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Hello, My name's Al, 37, from the Bronx. Recently applied to take the Westchester County Corrections Test. My god son's father has been in the dept for about 4 years not, and has been mentoring me and trying to get my to join. I just took the 1st step and am hoping that I get in. I found this great forum through a google search. Great source of info, and I've also enjoyed reading the posts. Any info I get from here is greatly appreciated!

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Howdy all! I am a paramedic/RN. Been a paramedic for 24 years and a RN for 20. I've worked full time and part-time and volunteered as a paramedic all those years. Fought some fire, too, but my main interest in the fire service is rescue and caring for trapped patients. I'm currently with a small volunteer/part-paid agency in southwest Ohio. I work as a critical care nurse in central Ohio. Additional interest is in disaster medicine and preparedness. I am a Medical Specialist (on leave) with FEMA Ohio Urban Search and Rescue Task Force 1. I'm also a FEMA instructor for US&R medical topics. I've been with OH TF-1 since the summer of 2000. I've lurked here for some time, admiring how some of your departments do things. I hope to learn lots more and apply that to my practice, my department, and share that learning with my peers and students. Thank you for inviting me in and please stay safe so each and every one of you gets to come home with things are done.

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Hi, my name is Corey Ferrari I live in Spring Valley NY and am a 4 year member of the Spring Valley Fire Dept. (Spring Valley Hook & Ladder) I enjoy fighting fires and just being a member of the fire service.

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Hello, My name's Al, 37, from the Bronx. Recently applied to take the Westchester County Corrections Test. My god son's father has been in the dept for about 4 years not, and has been mentoring me and trying to get my to join. I just took the 1st step and am hoping that I get in. I found this great forum through a google search. Great source of info, and I've also enjoyed reading the posts. Any info I get from here is greatly appreciated!

Welcome to the site. Good luck with the exam.

Howdy all! I am a paramedic/RN. Been a paramedic for 24 years and a RN for 20. I've worked full time and part-time and volunteered as a paramedic all those years. Fought some fire, too, but my main interest in the fire service is rescue and caring for trapped patients. I'm currently with a small volunteer/part-paid agency in southwest Ohio. I work as a critical care nurse in central Ohio. Additional interest is in disaster medicine and preparedness. I am a Medical Specialist (on leave) with FEMA Ohio Urban Search and Rescue Task Force 1. I'm also a FEMA instructor for US&R medical topics. I've been with OH TF-1 since the summer of 2000. I've lurked here for some time, admiring how some of your departments do things. I hope to learn lots more and apply that to my practice, my department, and share that learning with my peers and students. Thank you for inviting me in and please stay safe so each and every one of you gets to come home with things are done.

Welcome aboard. This site is a great source of knowledge. I look forward to hearing the insight that you can provide with your vast experiences over the past 24 years.

Hi, my name is Corey Ferrari I live in Spring Valley NY and am a 4 year member of the Spring Valley Fire Dept. (Spring Valley Hook & Ladder) I enjoy fighting fires and just being a member of the fire service.

Welcome to the site.

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Good day!

I'm Dan.

29 years active duty (8 Navy, 21 USCG) and yes...still active.

Volunteer FF/EMT on an all paid service.

Quals done at night/weekends including EMT-B, FF1, FF2, EVOC 1,2 and 3 and several HAZMAT and TECH Rescue (all at the age of 41-42) so you young sprouts....dig in! Older folks....come live the dream. I'm living it!!!!

Lost a 10 y/o son to cancer. He was pinned an Honorary FF at our home/Super Bowl 36 Party. Several months later, when he passed, many of my (now) fellow FF's and Medics were there by his/our side.

My son was given full FF Honors.

Needless to say.....I have things to give back! It's with deep pride that I serve my Country and my Community.

Did I mention, Scout Leader too?!?!? It's about our youth (and yes, my son who passed and his brother....both Scouts).

Time costs NOTHING! Make your mark!

Semper Paratus!


x129K, x635, sueg and 2 others like this

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Good day!

I'm Dan.

29 years active duty (8 Navy, 21 USCG) and yes...still active.

Volunteer FF/EMT on an all paid service.

Quals done at night/weekends including EMT-B, FF1, FF2, EVOC 1,2 and 3 and several HAZMAT and TECH Rescue (all at the age of 41-42) so you young sprouts....dig in! Older folks....come live the dream. I'm living it!!!!

Lost a 10 y/o son to cancer. He was pinned an Honorary FF at our home/Super Bowl 36 Party. Several months later, when he passed, many of my (now) fellow FF's and Medics were there by his/our side.

My son was given full FF Honors.

Needless to say.....I have things to give back! It's with deep pride that I serve my Country and my Community.

Did I mention, Scout Leader too?!?!? It's about our youth (and yes, my son who passed and his brother....both Scouts).

Time costs NOTHING! Make your mark!

Semper Paratus!


God Bless You. I'm sure your son is looking down at you and is so happy of who his father is. Thank you for your service and welcome to the site.

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Hi all. My name's Ed and I've been in the FD/EMS biz for 30+ years. I used to go by the nom-de-forum of TCA-ALS25. I was a FF1 volunteer for several years, but work, school and now health issues prevent me from keeping that end up. I'm the ALS Coordinator for TransCare's Philadelphia-area operations, as well as a career medic and fill-in shift supervisor for Uwchlan Ambulance in Chester County. I'm also a member of their component of Chester County Strike Team 11, a section of PA's Disaster Response Team. I'm born and bred Philadelphia and recently moved to the peace and quiet of the western suburbs (as I type this the local fire company just came blaring up the road to a fire call in town ( ;-) ). My connections to a forum 100 miles north of me? 1)I have family in Arlington, Dutchess County and 2)over the years I've had the pleasure to meet (in person or in the virtual world) several fellow TC employees and associated Hudson Valley emergency providers!

I'm currently enrolled at the local community college, fast-tracking dual AAS degrees in paramedicine and emergency medical management.

I love reading how things are done both, FD and EMS-wise, in the Hudson Valley and NY at large because I don't like thinking where I am is ever the center of the universe and everything is the same everywhere.

Good luck and stay safe to everyone on the board!

Remember: Semper Paratus - PPPPP!

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Good morning everyone, well started CARDIOLOGY in medic class is ACLS.....I have to keep telling myself "only"5 month!! No...i am proud to b in medic school!! Have a great day all, BE SAFE AND ALWAYS BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS!!!!

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Hey name is Spencer, I am a member of the Goldens Bridge Fire Department in Westchester NY. I am currently a college student majoring in Government at St. Lawrence University. While at school I also am a mutual aid member Canton Fire Department in St. Lawrence County NY. I also work for St. Lawrence Emergency Medical Services which is a 24/7 first response agency that we have on our campus while school is in session.

I have my FF1, FF Survival, Pump Ops, EVOC, and my EMT-Basic (going for ALS in the fall).

I also just was recently appointed as Director and Chief of St. Lawrence University EMS and will be taking that role for a year long term starting in May after I finish my study abroad term.

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Hey everyone im Alex Alves im with the Antioch Rural Volunteer Fire Dept. in northern Wayne County,NC.Currently attending the Wilson Regional Fire/Rescue Academy to become a career firefighter.joined this forum just to learn new tips for different things to know in the fire service,

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I'm Josh and I volunteer in Hanover VA. I'm also a fire explorer in Henrico and I love EVERYTHING about the fire dept and that's pretty much why I'm here lol

My nephew is a firefighter for Henrico County.

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Hello my name is Elizabeth. I am a certified EMT for Peekskill Vac. I have been a member for almost 5 years. I love what I do and wouldn't change it for anything. I also work at Hudson Valley Hosp. in the ER. I am not a nurse yet but I am starting to work on that. I am so glad I finally took the steps to initiate my longing to do something I really enjoy doing.

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Hello my name is Elizabeth. I am a certified EMT for Peekskill Vac. I have been a member for almost 5 years. I love what I do and wouldn't change it for anything. I also work at Hudson Valley Hosp. in the ER. I am not a nurse yet but I am starting to work on that. I am so glad I finally took the steps to initiate my longing to do something I really enjoy doing.

Best of luck with your career for the future- thanks for all of your hard work and dedication to all of us in Peekskill. Stay safe! Edited by x4093k

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I am one of the physician consultants to Divers Alert Network. I have training in Wilderness/Expedition Medicine. While I am in Annapolis, Maryland, I used to serve as a volunteer on the Larchmont Volunteer Ambulance Service (I think it may have been in the days of the horse-drawn equipment)

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What every happened to this thread anyway? There are so many new screen-names, so many new people, yet few if any have ever bothered to "Introduce themselves."

Like "Sailr322". And "Larchmont Boy" to name just a couple. Care to "introduce yourselves?"

To me, this site kinda weirded out a few months ago. Seth in an RV in NY suddenly, yet all discussion of the topic is dropped. No questions asked. Hey if it's personal biz, it's certainly none of mine. Yet you kind of made a big deal about it....then suddenly the whole subject is dropped.

The "moderators" who used to constantly be on the site; it's rare to even see them around these days.

Some of the "regular posters?" Poof gone.

Something very strange happened here a while back, I've noticed, has anybody else?

I don't know, the whole situation is a bit bizarre if you as me.

I guess the wort part was losing Lenny "10570." I guess we can't make that up.

So come on, how about some REAL intros? It's been a long time.

And what is the status with "certifying members?" Does the site still do that, or has that gone the wayside as well?

Just wondering.

Stay well. Sad day 911/2012.

Edit: I could post the alphabet and get a half dozen likes these days. Another VERY strange happening.

-Just sayin'

Edited by efdcapt115
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What every happened to this thread anyway? There are so many new screen-names, so many new people, yet few if any have ever bothered to "Introduce themselves."

Like "Sailr322". And "Larchmont Boy" to name just a couple. Care to "introduce yourselves?"

To me, this site kinda weirded out a few months ago. Seth in an RV in NY suddenly, yet all discussion of the topic is dropped. No questions asked. Hey if it's personal biz, it's certainly none of mine. Yet you kind of made a big deal about it....then suddenly the whole subject is dropped.

The "moderators" who used to constantly be on the site; it's rare to even see them around these days.

Some of the "regular posters?" Poof gone.

Something very strange happened here a while back, I've noticed, has anybody else?

I don't know, the whole situation is a bit bizarre if you as me.

I guess the wort part was losing Lenny "10570." I guess we can't make that up.

So come on, how about some REAL intros? It's been a long time.

And what is the status with "certifying members?" Does the site still do that, or has that gone the wayside as well?

Just wondering.

Stay well. Sad day 911/2012.

Edit: I could post the alphabet and get a half dozen likes these days. Another VERY strange happening.

-Just sayin'

Was just thinking about this..

You couldn't have said it better. One thing I have learned about you is that you know how to talk! (or type, lol)

Hope to hear from some folks..

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I am a paramedic with FDNY. I have worked here for 3 years and several months. I have been a paramedic for almost 5 years, and in EMS for over 7. Previously I worked at Long Island College Hospital, Transcare, and Mohawk Ambulance Service (in Albany). I joined this site because my partner and one of my best friends, Lenny, posted on it a lot, and because I used to be a member of the Albany area offshoot of this site. I care mainly about goings on in NYC, though I'm apt to post about anything at all if it interests me. Unfortunately Lenny is gone, and this site is just another painful reminder of that.

If anybody is looking for information on applying to FDNY/FDNY EMS or general questions about how EMS works in NYC, feel free to message me.

Edited by mtnmedic

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