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Mount Vernon Fire Test 3/8/2014

15 posts in this topic

I guess I have a couple of things to say:

1. There are so many typo's in this exam notice I lost count.

2. You DO NOT need a High School diploma OR a G.E.D. ( I guess you don't need one to write the exam either )

3. You can be a convicted criminal and/or a drug addict.

4. You need to lift a 14' roof ladder. ( Who's going to grab the 24' or the 28' for that matter ?)

I'm old school, I admit that. But it's hard to read the exam requirements and not shake my head. I'm starting my 24th year as a Captain. I have been asked many times "what makes a good firefighter?". The answer is: give me a person who played High School sports; who has common sense; and who has a working knowledge of the trades and I'll make you a good firefighter. And that's all I have to say about that.

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I guess I have a couple of things to say:

1. There are so many typo's in this exam notice I lost count.

2. You DO NOT need a High School diploma OR a G.E.D. ( I guess you don't need one to write the exam either )

3. You can be a convicted criminal and/or a drug addict.

4. You need to lift a 14' roof ladder. ( Who's going to grab the 24' or the 28' for that matter ?)

I'm old school, I admit that. But it's hard to read the exam requirements and not shake my head. I'm starting my 24th year as a Captain. I have been asked many times "what makes a good firefighter?". The answer is: give me a person who played High School sports; who has common sense; and who has a working knowledge of the trades and I'll make you a good firefighter. And that's all I have to say about that.

I noticed in the flier that you have to be in "excellent" physical condition but only of "good" moral character. I guess the city doesn't worry that Firefighters go into people's houses when they are not home.

And, Cap, you must be old school if you noticed all the typos. Back in your day (and mine) the job descriptions always said "Performs light clerical duties." That piece of the job description is gone, so candy dates don't have to spel gud no more.

I better stop writing now or I'll get in trouble

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I noticed in the flier that you have to be in "excellent" physical condition but only of "good" moral character. I guess the city doesn't worry that Firefighters go into people's houses when they are not home.

And, Cap, you must be old school if you noticed all the typos. Back in your day (and mine) the job descriptions always said "Performs light clerical duties." That piece of the job description is gone, so candy dates don't have to spel gud no more.

I better stop writing now or I'll get in trouble

Peoples' houses? How about Station Locker Rooms? What a disgrace to the Profession!

Edited by FirNaTine
wraftery and FFPCogs like this

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Peoples' houses? How about Station Locker Rooms? What a disgrace to the Profession!

Sadly true. It breaks one of the greatest traditions of the Fire Service: Brotherhood

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Sadly true. It breaks one of the greatest traditions of the Fire Service: Brotherhood

No such thing as "Brotherhood" anymore Chief or at least it's not as prevalent as it was. Guys do nothing but stab each other in the back and turn a blind eye nowadays!

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No such thing as "Brotherhood" anymore Chief or at least it's not as prevalent as it was. Guys do nothing but stab each other in the back and turn a blind eye nowadays!

That's because we have a generation brought up to believe "everything is about ME". And this attitude is reinforced constantly in music, movies and TV ..perfect example, shows like Survivor, Big Brother ect who's core message is screw everyone else...lie, cheat, steal, backstab and otherwise do whatever you have to do to get "mines". Hard to have Brotherhood when "normal" thinking means thinking only of yourself and how you're going to get what you "deserve".

jd783, CFI609D, FirNaTine and 1 other like this

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That's because we have a generation brought up to believe "everything is about ME". And this attitude is reinforced constantly in music, movies and TV ..perfect example, shows like Survivor, Big Brother ect who's core message is screw everyone else...lie, cheat, steal, backstab and otherwise do whatever you have to do to get "mines". Hard to have Brotherhood when "normal" thinking means thinking only of yourself and how you're going to get what you "deserve".

Spot on!

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That's because we have a generation brought up to believe "everything is about ME". And this attitude is reinforced constantly in music, movies and TV ..perfect example, shows like Survivor, Big Brother ect who's core message is screw everyone else...lie, cheat, steal, backstab and otherwise do whatever you have to do to get "mines". Hard to have Brotherhood when "normal" thinking means thinking only of yourself and how you're going to get what you "deserve".

You are talking about society in general when you say that, but firefighters were always a different type of people than the rest of the population. We don't want ordinary people on our job. AS CAPT2102 said, you hand him the right raw materials and he will build a firefighter. We need the right combination of balls and brains to come to us in the hiring process and we'll take it from there. You know, we need the ones who run into burning buildings when ordinary people are running out. The tests ordered by the courts don't take this into account when judges make their rulings.

I agree that everybody should get an equal chance to try to get on this job. But that's it! We should not have to hire equally. I'm not talking race, religion, or color here. I am talking about hiring persons that have the raw materials we need to make that person one of us.

One thing that bugs be is the training saying "Is the scene safe?" If the answer is "no" then stage around the block or don't enter the building, or wait for 53 more persons show up.etc.

"Is the scene safe?" No, it's not safe, a$$hole, that's why they called us. If the scene were safe, any idiot could handle it. Our job is to look at that scene, perform a risk vs. benefit analysis within 30 seconds, start an incident action plan within the next 30 seconds, and put that plan into action.

I don't think that the guy should be on this job if: He can't spell (little words, not hard ones like Polychlorinated Biphentls), and can only answer questions like "there are three men assigned to an engine company. One gets arrested, How many are left?"

By the way,Anybody know how many judges or ACLU lawyers passed proby school?

FFPCogs, FirNaTine, BFD1054 and 1 other like this

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We should not have to "dumb down" a Job to reach quotas, period! Municipalities should be looking for "Quality" not 'Quantity"! The Job is inherently dangerous enough why make it more so by hiring incompetent individuals who for the most part don't give a dam about the profession and are just there for a paycheck anyway let's face it! We're all suffering in the long run, especially the taxpayers these mopes took an oath to protect! The Fire Service has always been a Semi- Military Organization yet some Depts. lower their Standards less then what's required to join the Military and then want the place to be run as such. Yeah, OK!!! Keep frigging dreaming! These Depts. made their beds now let them sleep in them!!!!

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You are talking about society in general when you say that, but firefighters were always a different type of people than the rest of the population. We don't want ordinary people on our job. AS CAPT2102 said, you hand him the right raw materials and he will build a firefighter. We need the right combination of balls and brains to come to us in the hiring process and we'll take it from there. You know, we need the ones who run into burning buildings when ordinary people are running out. The tests ordered by the courts don't take this into account when judges make their rulings.

I agree that everybody should get an equal chance to try to get on this job. But that's it! We should not have to hire equally. I'm not talking race, religion, or color here. I am talking about hiring persons that have the raw materials we need to make that person one of us.

One thing that bugs be is the training saying "Is the scene safe?" If the answer is "no" then stage around the block or don't enter the building, or wait for 53 more persons show up.etc.

"Is the scene safe?" No, it's not safe, a$$hole, that's why they called us. If the scene were safe, any idiot could handle it. Our job is to look at that scene, perform a risk vs. benefit analysis within 30 seconds, start an incident action plan within the next 30 seconds, and put that plan into action.

I don't think that the guy should be on this job if: He can't spell (little words, not hard ones like Polychlorinated Biphentls), and can only answer questions like "there are three men assigned to an engine company. One gets arrested, How many are left?"

By the way,Anybody know how many judges or ACLU lawyers passed proby school?

Chief, I think you mean Polychlorinated Biphenyls :P

In all seriousness though, spot on Chief, spot on.

Edited by Morningjoe

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In this day and age I wish it said "veterans are encouraged to apply"

Absolutely! Those should be the first individuals FD's should be looking to hire like Boston FD did I believe a year or two ago.

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Chief, I think you mean Polychlorinated Biphenyls :P

In all seriousness though, spot on Chief, spot on.

Yeah, I know. I didn't spot it until after I posted but it was right in there when I was talking about spelling,so I left it there.

Thanks for finding it. Since the spelling of a chemical name is of utmost importance in a hazmat incident, let's put you on the ICS team. I would say Situation status unit(It's in the Planning Section).

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