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Yonkers firefighter, anti-war artist Jef Campion dies

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A tragic way to go.RIP.

YONKERS — Jef Campion, a longtime city firefighter and 9/11 emergency responder known for his anti-war art displays and volunteer work with children’s charities, has died. He was 52.


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No , completely unnecessary , and more than likely agenda driven. When was the last time the Journal Snooze gave any details of the sort. News 12 is no better . It will not be forgotten. Rest Well Jef !!!!!

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If anyone knows the family and how one could purchase one of his works let me know. Far too many men and women have suffered from that day. I am hoping that the family understands that his intention was not to harm them, but to end his own suffering. Many say that the act of suicide is not the answer, but the internal suffering that these individuals harbor is of such magnitude that none of us would be able to understand it. Attending the funeral of many of my FDNY brother's from 9/11 causes has given me a very unique perspective on that day and its continued impact over 12 years later.

Prayers for my Brothers and Sisters to the north in Yonkers and for his family.

All Gave Some, Some Gave All!

FirNaTine, x635 and BFD1054 like this

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Info was sent out to departments, but in case it was not posted, today's wakes will be held at:

Whalen & Ball

168 Park Avenue

Yonkers, 10703

2-4pm / 7-9pm (for tonight's wake, Yonkers FF's are requested to park at Chicken Island, shuttle buses will take us back and forth in order to allow parking for outside departments and civilians at the funeral home and nearby)


Jef will be honored as he should be, with full departmet honors.

Thursday, January 23rd, 10am at:

St. Mary's Church

103 South Broadway

Yonkers, 10701

Coallation to follow at the Polish Center. Both Chicken Island and the Polish Center are within walking distance from the church.

RIP brother, thank you for all you did, everyday.

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Wow, another can of worms......My heart felt sympathy's to his family & yfd. I did not know Jef......But know many like him!! @ hfd219....yes they had to report it....that's their job! At gss131 Do you know what goes on in Westchester? I am in no way bashing a hero......he did his job & did it well! The facts are the facts! Lets just let sleeping dogs lie & let a Firefighter Rest In Peace!!!!

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Ok , I'll bite since this is not a condolence thread. This was a link to a despicable article by the Journal news released at a time when friends and coworkers still had not either heard the news or the unfortunate details. To read them in the second sentence of the article was numbing to say the least, AND WAS NOT NECESSARY ! When was the last time you saw the details of a suicide of someone other than a hollywood celebrity. And far as me knowing what goes on in "westchester" , it probably isn't much. As far as Yonkers though, born and raised and have worked on the Yfd for the last 23 years. I might know a little something .

x635, boca1day, gpeifer and 2 others like this

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It was not necessary. How about writing about all the time he spent helping others. The douchebag from the Journal wishes he was half the man Jef was.

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I don't see a need to point out how he died. But that's my opinion. RIP.

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