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(Pre-Delivery) Somers FD New Engine 188

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Somers FD has gone out to bid to replace Engine 188.

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A sad day.. I spent many hours washing/waxing that engine when it was new....

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Any particulars on what they're looking for?

Something similar to your (Croton) Tanker 10 / Bedford Hills Tanker 5

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Refresh my memory... E186 and E188 were both tandem axle engines with +\- 2000 gal tanks.

Was E186 replaced by T16?

Around the same time did E188 have a dump valve retrofitted?

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Refresh my memory... E186 and E188 were both tandem axle engines with +\- 2000 gal tanks. Was E186 replaced by T16? Around the same time did E188 have a dump valve retrofitted?

E186 and E188 were both tandem axle engine with 2000 gallon booster and E188 did have a rear, manually operated dump valve retro'd after delivery. However, Tanker 16 did not replace E186 as a one for one replacement.

Engine 186 served multiple purposes but was a first due engine from Granite Springs Fire House. Amongst other things, it had a full compliment of engine company equiptment. It was no different than the other Oren's purchased in the same era (E180, E185) other than the fact it had a 2000 gal booster tank.

Tanker 16 was purchased to serve as a tanker to compliment the existing fleet. If memory serves me correctly it has a 3000 gallon tank, three dump valves capable of being operated from the cab and a 1500 gallon GPM pump. The higher capacity pump was installed so it could take the place of a pumper if needed. Other equiptment it was fitted when put in service was 2 SCBA's, indian tanks, portable pond and possiblly a portable pump. When put in service it was stationed at Lincolndale Fire House.

At the time the tanker delivered the intention was to (in time) put engines with 1000 gallon booster tanks in Granite Springs and Amawalk. About the same time E186 was remove from front line serve and E185 (with the smaller 1000 gallon booster tank) was put in Granite Springs. The reason for this was 1) the tanker as an additionally water source and 2) not long before there was a large water main installed, adding an addtional and reliable water source to the Granite Springs area.

x4093k, Viper and x635 like this

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If that is true, Hudson Valley Fire Equipment is going to be having a very nice Christmas, with all the others orders announced.

x4093k and IFCO3080 like this

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Not that much different that the Pierce...

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