
Why hide?

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I'm wondering why many of the people have "screen" names that are not their own, and also have no information in their profile depicting who they are or wear they work/volley. These are folks that seem to have the most to say. Man up and let the world know who you are.

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Looking at your post above and going to your profile all we see is that you're a male from Yonkers, so what's your beef if you're not even doing what you've stated above?

firemoose827, x129K, FF398 and 12 others like this

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Probably because many members work for paid services which may or may not monitor this website, and those users may or may not intentionally or unintentionally say something their employer doesn't like.

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My username isn't my real name (obviously) but is a reminder of my late Uncle killed in the line of duty. However, my real name and location are posted underneath.

I like the thought process that if you can't say it to someone's face, don't post it behind an alias.

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My username isn't my real name (obviously) but is a reminder of my late Uncle killed in the line of duty. However, my real name and location are posted underneath.

I like the thought process that if you can't say it to someone's face, don't post it behind an alias.

true but then you get kicked off if some one doesnt like it.

xchief2x likes this

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I kind of subscribe to a couple lines of thoughts on this matter.

1) If I'm not posting offensive comments or causing problems, then my actual identity is largely irrelevant for others to assess the validity of my comments.

2) My comments are my own and not specifically reflective of my department, with the exception of explaining how we operate. So, knowing specifically where I work is largely irrelevant.

3) If a person really, really wants to know specifically who I am, they can always ask.

4) What's the guarantee to other forum members that the information I might list in a profile/signature is the truth?

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Looking at your post above and going to your profile all we see is that you're a male from Yonkers, so what's your beef if you're not even doing what you've stated above?

My name is my screen name and my agency was listed in my profile. I have since updated it so feel free to view.

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Probably because many members work for paid services which may or may not monitor this website, and those users may or may not intentionally or unintentionally say something their employer doesn't like.

I would say the same thing; it's not necessarily that people are "hiding", its that they want to participate in forums and discuss issues they see in the field at work, but since their supervisors monitor these forums they do not have the ability to post their real identity. I myself have just recently found out that some of the other members in my volly department have been following me closely here to see if I will say something negative about someone specifically so they can report me to the chief...I simply told them the same that remember585 said in his post; "My comments are my own and do not reflect my department." I am after all entitled to my opinion as long as its shared in a professional way with no crude or innapropriate insults or comments. But my name and location are accurate, and any who have PM'd me here with a request for my email has received it and I have even had a few phone conversations with some members to further discuss something we may have agreed/disagreed with each other about in the threads.

EmsFirePolice and markmets415 like this

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Had a funny occurence related to having your name out there and web forums. I made some negative comments about the NYSP Air Medical program a few years back on another web forum. They were not inaccurate, but they were pointed and direct. I basically told a former co-worker of mine (and the whole forum) that I felt that it was long past time for the MEDICAL side of the program to get with industry standards or get out of the business completely. I felt that they were advertising a service that they didn't provide, and thus doing a dis-service to everyone. My, my, did I ruffle his feathers. He told me that I had pissed off the entire NYSP police force, and if I managed to get myself pulled over while driving in NY I should watch out. Yikes! We haven't spoken since.

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Those who know me, know who I am, and if someone messages me I do share my info.....

One primary reason I use a username is to keep away trolls - when message boards are public it is amazing the amount of information you can get off of them! I Also use the same/similar name on multiple forums, so someone on here and the FH Forums should know it is me.....

Remember585 and firemoose827 like this

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My name is my screen name and my agency was listed in my profile. I have since updated it so feel free to view.

No need to, I was simply pointing out was that you made a thread and had none of the information you stated in your first post was present even on your profile, if you updated it that's great, I myself could care less about someone profile or if they provide there information.

I myself have no problem with my information being out there for all to see. If anyone is worried about their employer seeing their posts then maybe just maybe they shouldn't post. There are many members that are to sensitive and over react to posts that are made here, people have opinions and that's what makes this place worth visiting, to hear just those opinions, we are not all going to agree on things but as long as we are respectful and have an honest and real debate then its all good in my eyes.

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I put my info here because I choose to put a "face" to the comments I make and I have no problem standing behind my comments...otherwise I wouldn't and quite frankly shouldn't be making them. And while I will always respond to questions or attacks on my views, I don't put much stock in contributions by anonymous posters. It has been my experience over the last few years of my membership here that some of those who post anonymously tend to be those who cannot have a civil conversation, nor accept a differing opinion, the right fighters and the egomaniacs. Here as in life outside the virtual world more often than not it is the sh!t stirrers and ignorant that need hide in the shadows, for they have neither the courage nor the intelligence to stand behind their words to defend them.

Edited by FFPCogs
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I put my info here because I choose to put a "face" to the comments I make and I have no problem standing behind my comments...otherwise I wouldn't and quite frankly shouldn't be making them. And while I will always respond to questions or attacks on my views, I don't put much stock in contributions by anonymous posters. It has been my experience over the last few years of my membership here that some of those who post anonymously tend to be those who cannot have a civil conversation, nor accept a differing opinion, the right fighters and the egomaniacs. Here as in life outside the virtual world more often than not it is the sh!t stirrers and ignorant that need hide in the shadows, for they have neither the courage nor the intelligence to stand behind their words to defend them.

Interesting, I don't put much stock in as many people who post there names to just as many who don't post there names, I also find just as many sh!t stirrers from both sides. But that's the way I see it just as you see it your way.

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I don't put much stock in contributions by anonymous posters.

I put far more stock in what a person's comments are than whether or not they are "anonymous" on a forum since it's so easy to create a false profile. It doesn't take long to figure out who the posers and pot stirers are by their own comments.

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Yeah... but how many of you have been blamed for something you never even said? I bet I take the cake there!

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To me it's an non issue wether or not one posts thier profile or not. I personaly would not say anything on here that I wouldn't say to your face. The ones who run thier mouths on here with non-sense have to live with them selves.

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Had a funny occurence related to having your name out there and web forums. I made some negative comments about the NYSP Air Medical program a few years back on another web forum. They were not inaccurate, but they were pointed and direct. I basically told a former co-worker of mine (and the whole forum) that I felt that it was long past time for the MEDICAL side of the program to get with industry standards or get out of the business completely. I felt that they were advertising a service that they didn't provide, and thus doing a dis-service to everyone. My, my, did I ruffle his feathers. He told me that I had pissed off the entire NYSP police force, and if I managed to get myself pulled over while driving in NY I should watch out. Yikes! We haven't spoken since.

Sounds like a threat and abuse of authority. A phone call to his commanding officer should have been made. And didn't the NYSP stop doing Medevac in Dutchess?

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This is the internet. I would not put to much trust in what people put on a profile.

Even if they post a name, how do you know it is true. The most important, and telling information, comes from the fact that after a few postings, most people can tell if the poster is the real deal, or just an azz hat.

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Sounds like a threat and abuse of authority. A phone call to his commanding officer should have been made. And didn't the NYSP stop doing Medevac in Dutchess?

Wasn't a member of the SP. He was a civilian medic. Not even worth my time. I actually got a good chuckle out of it. Until I saw a trooper in my rear view one day on the thruway. Ha!

Oh, and this was from the Syracuse base, not Stewart. I lived up that way and worked there for a number of years before my stint with Stat Flight.

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My screen name used to be related to my department, well my former department. Seth was kind enough to change it for me when I left there so I could avoid any claims of misrepresentation. My current one is my initials and some numbers. However my name and town are my post signature and are on the left side of all my posts. Oddly enough while I have been part of some lively discussions here, I have never really had much of a problem with anyone here.

That has not been the case on other forums where I had to leave because of a lack of moderation. On that one, much more was out in the open and there was a large group from one department that took it upon themselves to let everyone else know their shortcomings. Trust me, EMTBravo has nothing on the career vs volunteer issue compared to this bunch. So there are sometimes benefits to being a bit more anonymous.

Then again, I joined here when you could be anonymous, but had to be recommended by a current member and fill out a form with your real information on it for Seth. I was a volunteer at the time and was recommended by a career fire officer. You also used to have to be willing to have your identity confirmed, although I don't know if anyone ever checked on me.

One interesting thing about being anonymous, There used to be a very local (Stamford-Greenwich) forums and my user name there was a fairly well known nickname. I think everyone on the forums knew me because I used that name in real life also. One of my posts was quoted in a newspaper article about firefighter safety and the reported basically said I was hiding behind a screen name. I had to laugh because they probably could have asked anyone in town who I was and they would have told the reporter.

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I am curious as to how many agencies that folks posting belong to have a social media policy?

Two of my jobs have none that I am aware of. My main job has a rule against any type of recording in the workplace (stills, audio, video), but I don't think they have a social media policy.

I caught a ration of crap at my VFD for some EMT bravo postings, and I heard it was discussed at meetings I could not attend, but no action was taken.

Guy, does the Yonkers FD have a policy that you need to be concerned about, or are you free to say what you want?

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Wasn't a member of the SP. He was a civilian medic. Not even worth my time. I actually got a good chuckle out of it. Until I saw a trooper in my rear view one day on the thruway. Ha!

Oh, and this was from the Syracuse base, not Stewart. I lived up that way and worked there for a number of years before my stint with Stat Flight.

Thanks for the clarification. Your original insinuation was alarming troubling to say the least. And most probably baseless, as 99.99999% of the State Police are uninvolved with the Medevac aspect and honestly, couldn't care less about it if they continued to provide the service or not.

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