
Mount Vernon Fatal Fire 10-30-13 Discussion

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I have heard that it is Constantly OOS due to manpower issues and i have also heard that the E-one rescue was replaced by one of the pierce and now is a rescue pumper. does anyone know any actually MT vernon news about rescue 1.

Edited by x635

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The city barely gives them enough FF to cover the engines and ladders. Vehicle or not, how can they cover a rescue too?

Yeah that i understand as I have heard many of times rescue 1 beign OOS so they can staff ladder 3 with the manpower.

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We are fighting some really tough manpower issues right now. They had only 14 FF the other day! The Rescue is the first rig they put out of service. But it is still a heavy rescue not a pumper combo.

tommyguy and EmsFirePolice like this

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Is the FDMV still running 5 Engines and 3 Ladders or is there an Engine on Oak Streer that's been closed?

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1 engine out if oak... E2 oos for a while along with other company's r-1 and a lot of times l-3 out of Fulton ave

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We are fighting some really tough manpower issues right now. They had only 14 FF the other day! The Rescue is the first rig they put out of service. But it is still a heavy rescue not a pumper combo.

Wow 14 guys thats just insane.

alextom likes this

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Depends on the house engines usually a driver a backstep and 1 officer...trucks 3 guys and a officer unless he is out with the engine

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How in the HELL can the people of Mt. Vernon allow the Fire Department to operate like this? It is unbelievable that they are so short staffed! Heck we get 40 or more volunteers out the door on every call......shameful.....

x4093k and sfrd18 like this

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Because they don't care unless it is their house burning...and the city never cared about the fd

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Tragic early morning fire in Mt. Vernon on So. Bond Street (near the NH Line tracks) resulted in the deaths of four persons in a basement apartment. They were all members of the same family: the husband and wife and two adult children. There is a report the two children escaped the flames, went back inside to try and rescue the parents, and all four ultimately perished.

“There was fire all around, fire out the rear; every entrance into the basement was covered with flames,” Mount Vernon’s deputy fire chief, John Batista, told WNBC-TV. Firefighters, he said, “got close; they just couldn’t get the victims out.”

News link

Mount Vernon Fire Chief Ted Stevenson said...the blaze began overnight when a 1998 Honda Civic driven by Jesus Arena caught fire. Stevenson said Raymundo Arena was awoken by a small explosion and, when he left the apartment to see what was happening, he was confronted by a larger blast....Deputy Police Commissioner Richard Burke Jr. said the car was parked 3 feet from the house. News link with photos from the scene

The photos taken at the scene show firefighters were confronted by an extremely heavy fire condition upon arrival.

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Once again Mayor "ERN" goes on news 12 claiming more FF's would not have made a difference, only a quick response would have.What effen planet is this guy from???

PCFD ENG58, FirNaTine and BFD1054 like this

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Once again Mayor "ERN" goes on news 12 claiming more FF's would not have made a difference, only a quick response would have.What effen planet is this guy from???

One from very far away!

PHIL78 and BFD1054 like this

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Sorry to report the City of Mount Vernon has a idiot for a Mayor.

Mayor Ernest Davis dismissed Thomas’ criticisms, saying the Buildings Department has four inspectors who walk through structures on an as-needed basis. He said the department has never had a routine inspection program.

Asked if the Fire Department is adequately staffed, he said, “Absolutely.”

Two firefighters staffing the first due engine is a disaster in the making.

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Extremely sad situation in Mount Vernon. And, YES, allot of this could have been prevented by having more frequent Building Inspections (by having more Building Inspectors) AND having a "Properly" Staffed Fire Department (and someone needs to ask Mayor Davis, the FDMV Fire Commissioner and EVEN County Administrator Rob Asterino the HARD QUESTIONS, such as why is one of the Engine Companies out at the Oak Street Fire House (either Engine 2 or Engine 4) OUT OF SERVICE more times than IN SERVICE? Why is Rescue 1 OUT OF SERVICE more times than IN SERVICE? Why is the Departmental Staffing Levels (Engine 2, 3, 4, 5; Ladder 1, 2,, 3 and Rescue 1) much different than the 1970 Levels (of Engine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Snorkel 1, Ladder 2, 3, & 4, Rescue 1 and Foam 1)?

Is this a simple case of ECONOMICS? If so, then the COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY needs to look very very hard into why the COUNTY allows for the City of Mount Vernon, who is part of the County of Westchester, to allow what is clearly, improper Fire Department Staffing Levels to continue to happen. Heck, YONKERS AND NEW ROCHELLE basically no longer want to go into Mount Vernon to assist unless it is clearly a DISASTER SITUATION. Sadly in this case, lives perished and thus this should be considered as a "DISASTER"

Sorry folks, I know that I am beating a DEAD HORSE in this comment, but it is about time that we put aside the egos and people more concerned about "Control Over Their Local Department" rather than SAVING LIVES and TAX PAYERS DOLLARS, and begin the process of a CONSOLIDATED COUNTY RUN FIRE DEPARTMENT, that covers the ENTIRE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER (and there should be NO EXCEPTIONS {Yonkers, New Rochelle and White Plains must be included in this County Run Fire Department}. You could staff the entire county department with current firefighters and officers EASILY.

Ok, Mr. Asterino - We are waiting for your comments !!!

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Extremely sad situation in Mount Vernon. And, YES, allot of this could have been prevented by having more frequent Building Inspections (by having more Building Inspectors) AND having a "Properly" Staffed Fire Department (and someone needs to ask Mayor Davis, the FDMV Fire Commissioner and EVEN County Administrator Rob Asterino the HARD QUESTIONS, such as why is one of the Engine Companies out at the Oak Street Fire House (either Engine 2 or Engine 4) OUT OF SERVICE more times than IN SERVICE? Why is Rescue 1 OUT OF SERVICE more times than IN SERVICE? Why is the Departmental Staffing Levels (Engine 2, 3, 4, 5; Ladder 1, 2,, 3 and Rescue 1) much different than the 1970 Levels (of Engine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Snorkel 1, Ladder 2, 3, & 4, Rescue 1 and Foam 1)?

Is this a simple case of ECONOMICS? If so, then the COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY needs to look very very hard into why the COUNTY allows for the City of Mount Vernon, who is part of the County of Westchester, to allow what is clearly, improper Fire Department Staffing Levels to continue to happen. Heck, YONKERS AND NEW ROCHELLE basically no longer want to go into Mount Vernon to assist unless it is clearly a DISASTER SITUATION. Sadly in this case, lives perished and thus this should be considered as a "DISASTER"

Sorry folks, I know that I am beating a DEAD HORSE in this comment, but it is about time that we put aside the egos and people more concerned about "Control Over Their Local Department" rather than SAVING LIVES and TAX PAYERS DOLLARS, and begin the process of a CONSOLIDATED COUNTY RUN FIRE DEPARTMENT, that covers the ENTIRE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER (and there should be NO EXCEPTIONS {Yonkers, New Rochelle and White Plains must be included in this County Run Fire Department}. You could staff the entire county department with current firefighters and officers EASILY.

Ok, Mr. Asterino - We are waiting for your comments !!!

I'm not sure I see exactly what "County Administrator Rob Asterino" has to do with fire protection in Mount Vernon. While yes, the citizens of Mount Vernon took the city backwards in putting Davis back in office; until Westchester County establishes a county-wide fire department, the "County Department of Public Safety" should have no involvement in local town/village/city/district fire protection.

Also, Rob Astorino is the County Executive and the County Department of Public Safety was created by the merger of the Parkway Police and Sheriff's Office.

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Sometimes you can have all the proper staffing in the world and not save lives, like last weekends fire in the Bronx that killed 3 children. FDNY has great staffing and a pretty quick response, and Elmsford had a quick response with a lot of manpower with their fatal fire the weekend before. But by staffing under par, the chances of fatalities can greatly increase as if you don't have enough firefighters. How are you supposed to get to every trapped victim as well as all the other things that need to be done upon arrival?

This also shows how strict code enforcement can potentially save lives. (That's why there are codes). Not staffing your fire department and not having a proper code enforcement program in areas known for illegal subdivisions shows that the Mayor of Mount Vernon doesn't care if his citizens are safe or not.

Also, I thought things in MVFD were going pretty well as they can be and settling down and they were making some progress to repair years of neglect. I guess not.

It should also be noted that Mount Vernon is not the only community in southern/central Westchester that is understaffed. Fairview only has 2 guys on E-174/5, one firefighter on Ladder 1, Hartsdale usually has one guy on TL-15 and two on E-169. Eastchester and Scarsdale don't ride with full crews, nor does Pelham or Pelham Manor.Those are "combination" departments, but the volunteers have dwindled, have volunteers who can't be interior, or don't have them at all anymore. What about Rye Brook? A lone driver has to bring Engine 59 to sit there at night, depending on staffing from Port Chester. And I think White Plains FD is understaffed as well. How much more outrage would there have been if something like that had happened in one of those wealthier communities, where people pay an enormous amount in taxes? Would they accept there weren't enough firefighters? Would things change, or since it's people living in a poor urban area, the Mount Vernon politicians can get away with it?

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More staffing is better. A 10 year old like in those commercials could tell you that. More is better.

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1) (and someone needs to ask Mayor Davis, the FDMV Fire Commissioner and EVEN County Administrator Rob Asterino the HARD QUESTIONS, such as why is one of the Engine Companies out at the Oak Street Fire House (either Engine 2 or Engine 4) OUT OF SERVICE more times than IN SERVICE? Why is Rescue 1 OUT OF SERVICE more times than IN SERVICE?

2) If so, then the COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY needs to look very very hard into why the COUNTY allows for the City of Mount Vernon, who is part of the County of Westchester, to allow what is clearly, improper Fire Department Staffing Levels to continue to happen.

3) Ok, Mr. Asterino - We are waiting for your comments !!!

1) The County Executive, What about the Gov. or Obama? NYS is a home rule state and until we realize that that is why are taxes are so high and our services so low it will continue. Until we say that emergency service should not be covered by home rule, then its not the problem or responsibility of anyone beyond the local boarder to establish levels of response.

2) County DPS is a law enforcement agency. If you mean DES (Dept of Emergency Services) their is nothing they can do about it. State law says city's must provide fire protection, but they have never defined to what level or the quality.

3) Maybe he should order DES to take over...oh what its illegal in NYS for counties to run fire departments.

You know I agree with consolidation, but until laws are changed, not much else is going to change.

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Once again Mayor "ERN" goes on news 12 claiming more FF's would not have made a difference, only a quick response would have.What effen planet is this guy from???

did you see on ch 12 his comments?mt vernon ff.s are some what good?he doesnt give a crap abt his fire dept! hats off to the brothers in the vern they do the best with what they have stay safe bro.s

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Ernie Davis has no clue I don't why he was elected again as mayor

atleast mayor young backed the fd with new equipment and rigs.davis is a joke!

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Because they don't care unless it is their house burning...and the city never cared about the fd

Wrong there...Mt. Vernon once had an excellent fire department. That was when the city cared.

Bnechis, x129K and markmets415 like this

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That is a very tragic story. An entire family lost.

Many have told me of the manning issues within the Mount Vernon Fire Dept. I have also heard that mutual aid with Mount Vernon is a "One Way Street". As a result, other depts are not too willing to send their equipment and manning into Mt Vernon for a fire. I've been told of a story where Mt Vernon went mutual aid, and at shift change, those firefighters were ordered to leave the scene so there would be no overtime cost. As a result, this dept does NOT respond into Mt Vernon for mutual aid. And they don't depend on Mt Vernon for help.

As I believe this to be true facts, both places suffer should either one get a major incident. So who's the real loosers here. The local firefighters and the people they protect.

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Wrong there...Mt. Vernon once had an excellent fire department. That was when the city cared.

Your right Chief, they once did care until they sold their Souls and lowered the Standards to reach Quotas! Can't put "Quotas" before "Quality" in the long run everybody suffers!

Ladder44, PCFD ENG58 and LTNRFD like this

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The sad part about this, besides a family being ripped apart by politician Russian roulette, is that its ok to put 3 guys on a garage truck to speed through the route and get done by 11:00 to go home and lets leave two guys on a fire truck and take that chance because garbage is more important than peoples lives. Don't be fooled either DPW workers make a good dollar as well. Where can government justify having more men on DPW trucks than fire trucks?

The union president says that its against federal law to operate the way they are, has he called the overseeing agency to act on this. For that matter if it is illegal to operate this way, why is it done and how come nothing is done about it???

I also read in another post that other departments operate like this or with less, how is that possible? Those communities listed or not poor communities either. Just doesn't make sense to me

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