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Thornwood Job

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Date: 9-28-13

Time: 1733hrs

Incident Type: Structure Fire

Location: 1075 Broadway (Thornwood), Pleasantville Cottage School (Click for map)

Valhalla FD Rescue 9 (Initial FAST)

Mount Kisco U-13 (Secondary FAST)

Ossining FD U-51 (Third FAST)

Bedford Hills FD Rescue 10 (requested for FAST)

Full IA:

Just wondering why the need for four FAST teams?

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Why not? with the size of the structure/fire load/situation at hand maybe the IC felt the need to have multiple fasts readily available. If you ask me you can never have to many FASTs, most situations where a FAST is utilized, it takes multiple teams to remove the member out.

billy98988, GAW6 and like this

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I was not the IC but the first two FASteams were put to work. Bedford Hills was requested for a cascade ( not a FASTeam)because Briarcliffs needed to refill during the incident and the county's filling system was O.O.S

KelliPVAC, IFCO3080 and GAW6 like this

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It was a tough old 3 story building and one FAST was "activated" when a pass alarm malfunctioned on the third floor area (would not shut off until batteries were removed) thankfully the FF was okay..the truck work was unbelievable due to the masonry construction inside and outside of the was in the walls and ceilings on all three floors and up to 5 layers of plaster, old tough wire lath, masonite sheets and plywood over plaster on walls "renovated" over time..ate saw blades/chains...many doors were difficult to open with irons with heavy inside smoke banked down to lower levels but no visible fire until roof was vented ..making a lot of truckie work...and some reported smelling smoke for hours prior to dispatch...tough job...but good job by all on scene... so multiple FAST teams are "angels on our shoulders" with so much going on..good call if you ask me...

IFCO3080, billy98988, x129K and 8 others like this

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