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Three bodies found by demolition crew in fire-damaged abandoned Bronx home

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Granted all we have is a news story to work off of, but the story brings up several questions.

First the idea that the bodies may have been put there after the blaze or firefighters may have missed them. I know forensics is good but since the bodies were burned could they really tell if they were burned somewhere else?

Then there is the quote from the department spokesman, who said both "there was no indication anyone was inside" and "It’s a known location for squatters" those don't seem to be consistent to me.

I get that FDNY has to deal with this sort of command decision more than most department, older buildings, in bad repair, apparently abandoned, In no way am I saying that the IC made the wrong decision to make this an exterior attack. I do find the news coverage to be a little sensationalist (hoping there will be more to this story than there probably is) and the spokesman's choice of words to have been not what they could have been. I also don't think it is fair to even speculate that the bodies were missed by firefighters when there was no interior search, no matter the reasons. Something never looked for is not generally considered to have been missed and using that phrase really makes a good job by FDNY seem like a bad job.

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Granted all we have is a news story to work off of, but the story brings up several questions.

First the idea that the bodies may have been put there after the blaze or firefighters may have missed them. I know forensics is good but since the bodies were burned could they really tell if they were burned somewhere else?

Then there is the quote from the department spokesman, who said both "there was no indication anyone was inside" and "It’s a known location for squatters" those don't seem to be consistent to me.

I get that FDNY has to deal with this sort of command decision more than most department, older buildings, in bad repair, apparently abandoned, In no way am I saying that the IC made the wrong decision to make this an exterior attack. I do find the news coverage to be a little sensationalist (hoping there will be more to this story than there probably is) and the spokesman's choice of words to have been not what they could have been. I also don't think it is fair to even speculate that the bodies were missed by firefighters when there was no interior search, no matter the reasons. Something never looked for is not generally considered to have been missed and using that phrase really makes a good job by FDNY seem like a bad job.

Good fire investigators would be able to tell if they died in this house or not...if the house was still as-is at the time the fire was extinguished, but as we see here, the house was already being demolished. But there are ways to tell, especially when you do a good autopsy.

They said in the story that the one guy was only burned on his head, I believe if they were in that house their bodies would have been mostly consumed. But like you said we only have the story to go by. Hope we get more details soon as the investigation continues.

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Building was marked dangerous by the Capt of Engine 75. The bodies were found in a collapsed area that was not able to be searched because of the building being unstable. No one made any mistakes in the FDNY if anyone is to blame it is DOB or HPD for failing to maintain the security of the building.

Newburgher, BFD1054, x129K and 1 other like this

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