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Please do not believe what you may be hearing about Seth, "x635", or "EMTBravo"

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There are a few people lately, from separate groups and backgrounds who have been feeding off one another and having knowledge of health vulnerabilities in my life, who have made it their game increasingly over the past few weeks to slander and harass me using a variety of methods and tactics. You may know who a few of these bullies are, as you've probably seen them proudly bragging about it on here, Facebook, or elsewhere. Or you've heard them or one of their friends starting or playing a game of telephone.

The main goal of these people seem to be not only to slander, discredit, and harass me, but for some reason to go after my friendships as they relate to this website.

I don't know what their end motives are exactly, aside from the pleasure they seem to gain from it, but enough is enough and it's getting so overwhelming to keep up with that I can't possibly make one on one contact with everybody to explain the situation, nor do I know exactly who these people may have reached, which is why I am making this statement on here, to begin damage control, a point I hoped it would end before I would have had to do that.

I would like to ask everyone to keep an open mind, and NOT assume that everything they hear is true. Everyone is entitled to interpret the information they receive however they wish. But ask why. Ask yourself what is the motive of the person(s) that these actions are coming from are, and what outcome do they want? And what is the other side to the story you are hearing? I'm a good person who loves to help people, and will do anything to help anybody. Which is why I started this website. And what I type on here is the same as what I would say to you one on one. I don't have to hide behind a keyboard like some of these people. Those who are truly my friends know that, and have seen me prove that and everything I say.

I cannot elaborate further on any more specifics right now, but I am posting this on here, as a locked statement, for a limited time. I'd also like to state using this site to harass and bait me is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Posting on this forum is a privilege, not a right. Nor am I required to have to constantly "defend" myself against these people, their agenda, and their loaded questions or comments they pose to me on this forum in an attempt to continue their harassment and slander.

Please also beware of any "spoof" websites or false email addresses that are being used to pretend to be me. Examine the email header and the exact email spelling closely. If in doubt, forward it to me at and I will tell you if it came from me or not. I appreciate all those friends who have been helping me with the documentation of this, as well as providing the names of these people and the evidence linking them to what they are doing.

I can be contacted anytime at . Please do not be offended if I do not respond promptly as I am a bit overwhelmed trying fix the damage these people are causing.

Oh, and to those people who this thread is in regards to....think whatever you would like....but losers can never win in the long run. Karma is a bitch.

WCFCX613, sfrd18, Reliance and 2 others like this

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