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Fairfield Police: Do Not Call 911 For A Cable TV Outage

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Posted on their Facebook page:

NOTICE: We are receiving numerous 911 calls regarding the Cablevison outage. This is neither an emergency or a police related concern. Please direct your inquiries to Cablevision.

911 should only be called for Life Threatening Emergencies ONLY.

Incidents that are not of an emergency nature may be reported to the Fairfield Police Department at (203) 254-4800.

Misuse of the 911 system may result in an arrest.

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Posted on their Facebook page:

This is nothing new. Many people consider an emergency to be anything that is important or annoys them. People used 911 for just about every type of call imaginable. Here are a few

That I can recall:

  1. A man called 911 and wanted a police report confirming that his cable TV was not working so he could claim a refund for the day.
  2. A lady called 911 wanting to file a police report because her insurance company needed a report for the jewelry she lost in the Bahamas. She was advised that 911 is only for emergencies. She stated that she was busy and didn’t have time to look up the non-emergency number in the phone book and with the taxes she paid why should she have to pay for directory assistance. 911 is just so convenient and since I am on the phone, can’t you just send someone over here now so I can file my claim. This would be for an incident that occurred in the Bahamas? She confirmed this and was advised that she would have to report the incident were it happened.
  3. Before cell phones, people would call 911 on pay phones to report parking violations so they would not have to pay the 25 cents.
  4. Calls about a parade in another jurisdiction
  5. Could we send someone over and change a light bulb.
  6. Is there school today?

We could start a new thread on some of the worst abuses of 911.

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