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Police Find Injured Paramedic During Traffic Stop

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Police in Corning, New York got a surprise when they pulled over an elderly driver for erratic driving: Her passenger was an injured off-duty paramedic.

When police asked why he didnt simply call for his own ambulance company to pick him up and take him, Miller stated I did think of that. However, I looked at the schedule to see who was working today, and frankly thought my chances were better having my half-blind neighbor drive me


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Is this real? From the rest of the article Edit: Definitely not real lol

An even bigger surprise was in store for police when they found out what Miller had used to splint his arm with: Two 40 round AR-15 rifle clips taped to his arm. When police asked Miller why he used the assault rifle clips he answered: “First off, they aren’t clips, they are magazines. Clips would never be rigid enough to use as a splint”. “Secondly, it is a semi-automatic sporting rifle. Assault rifles are fully automatic military weapons. I do not own an assault rifle”. Miller went on to state “I looked around to see what I had handy that I could use as a splint, and there were plenty of them nearby, so I used them”

Police verified that the makeshift splint was constructed of pre-ban magazines, and the splint did not contain more than 7 rounds of live ammunition in keeping with New York’s ill-conceived “SAFE Act”.

Edited by JM15
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