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NYSP New Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement vehicles

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i must have been mistaken-- from what i understood state police couldnt pull anyone over for a traffic infraction unless it was a marked car

Read the posts earlier in the thread.

I will say that here in G that on several occasions they have gone out in mini vans with plainclothes guys watching out the windows and would tell marked units in the area when they saw hands free violations. The number of stops in one area was impressive. The newer CITE vehicles that I have seen aren't SP blue either, there are silver, tan, maroon, etc.

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And it only applied to the State Police. Local agencies could continue to operate unmarked vehicles at their agency's discretion.

Yet another Pataki era failure

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After all the rash of police impersonators in Westchester, how does a civilian balance the fear of being pulled over by a police impersonator while also complying with an attempted traffic stop by a PO?

If in doubt, don't stop. Just keep driving in a safe manner at a safe speed and call 911. If the car is real police there will be more of them pretty quick and you can stop when the conga line gets behind you. If it's not then the conga line will stop the moron trying to stop you.

Was it really a "rash" of impersonators?

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If in doubt, don't stop. Just keep driving in a safe manner at a safe speed and call 911. If the car is real police there will be more of them pretty quick and you can stop when the conga line gets behind you. If it's not then the conga line will stop the moron trying to stop you.

Was it really a "rash" of impersonators?

Damn, I am trouble for using my cell phone while driving, now I have to use it again to call the police, because the police are following me. lol

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Here in the wild west, such vehicles are merely called "stealth cars" or "aggressive driver cars." The typical aggressive driver car is a Dodge Charger, but I've seen a few Challengers and Camaros, too.

Almost no one spots these cars as undercover police cars. But, then, I drive a fully-marked Crown Vic with a full-size light bar on top, and people still commit violations right in front of me. I was once on the freeway, in a hurry to get back to my beat and not intending to make any traffic stops, when a woman went flying past me doing 22 mph over the posted limit. I pulled behind her and tapped the air horn, hoping just to slow her down. Nada. I bleeped the siren. Nada. After a couple of miles, I lit her up and made the traffic stop. When I approached the driver, I said "I just want to get a look at the kind of person who would fly past a fully-marked police car doing 'criminal speed'." She said "I didn't SEE you....I was talking! (to her passenger)." Amazing. No wonder there are so many collisions.

The point is that few drivers are going to notice ANY stealth car.

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Just yesterday on the Taconic, I passed a guy taking a long pull on his beer (a Corona, I think) while cruising along at 50+. I wonder if he had his cell phone on, too?

Edited by Stepjam
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When they passed the law prohibiting texting while driving, I though "how foolish. We won't be able to tell if someone is texting while driving." I was wrong. Since then, I've come up on a couple of cars driving under the speed limit and weaving. When I pulled alongside, I could see the drivers steering with their forearms while pecking away at their cell phones. There should be a charge of Felony Ignorance.

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... She said "I didn't SEE you....I was talking! (to her passenger)."

Just goes to show that distracted driving is not just limited to cellphones. Other car occupants, the morning paper, breakfast, shaving, makeup, the radio, etc are all equally as distracting as a non-hands free cellphone.

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Absolutely! Most police agencies have begun to use the term "collision" rather than "accident" because few automobile collisions are "accidents." They are caused by the stupidity of one or more drivers, and the #1 cause is distracted driving.

Modern cars make drivers comfortable and encourage distraction. Power steering allows people to drive with a wrist. six-speaker radios drown out horns and sirens. dark tinted windows, rolled up with AC blasting, limit visibility. Add to that yapping with passengers, yapping on cell phones, looking at GPS screens, putting on makeup or shaving, etc. etc. and it's a wonder that people aren't crashing into each other at every intersection.

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I have seen the lighting on the vehicles and some of them suck. I like the ones that have to 2 dual avengers but some of them have a tir3 like interior lightbar where only 2 heads are red and the rest clear and when lit can't see the red at all, lol. These vehicles are merely just unmarked patrol vehicles, nothing more/nothing less. Agreed too that I have seen other colored Tahoes, saw a silver one at a structure fire the other day.

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Our two CITE cars around in G. G200 is newer as it has Ions license plate bracket and LED taillights while G201 has Tir3s license plate bracket and Halogen taillights.



G200 by witkowski.andrewb, on Flickr
G201 by witkowski.andrewb, on Flickr

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I do a considerable amount of driving in the metro area, and I must say I have not seen or observed these CITE vehicles in our area in quite some time. Are they still in use or have they been re-located.

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I do a considerable amount of driving in the metro area, and I must say I have not seen or observed these CITE vehicles in our area in quite some time. Are they still in use or have they been re-located.

We are still using them. I'm not sure why you haven't seen any of them.

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Maybe I need to drive a little bit faster to find out.

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