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Delta Airlines Honor Guard

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Behind The Scenes As A Fallen Warrior Comes Home, Delta Airlines Honor Guard.

Something most people do not see, as it happens behind the scenes. Delta honors our Fallen as they come home with their own Honor Guard, as the Fallen is transferred from the plane. Thank you Delta for the respect you show to our Fallen Heroes.


babhits16, CFI609D, PEMO3 and 7 others like this

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I had the honor of being on a Delta flight last year that was transporting a hero home. The passengers were quite respectful. A business class passenger even gave up his seat to the hero's escort. The captain had appropriate words before, during and after the flight. Also, that captain was off that plane so fast your head would spin to be part of that ceremony. Watching from inside the aircraft was overwhelming.

Behind The Scenes As A Fallen Warrior Comes Home, Delta Airlines Honor Guard.

Something most people do not see, as it happens behind the scenes. Delta honors our Fallen as they come home with their own Honor Guard, as the Fallen is transferred from the plane. Thank you Delta for the respect you show to our Fallen Heroes.


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If ever have a chance see the Movie Taking Chance, it is a excellent real story movie on this topic. Stars Kevin Bacon as a Marine LtCol. escorting a Hero home.

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It is a shame that this is not more publicly known. It might remind people that lives are still being lost and the war is far from over.

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Thank You for sharing & posting this

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Fantastic video. Wish there were more like it. God bless our heroes.

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