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EMTBravo Welcomes 3 New Moderators

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Our forum is established to serve a community of people who have an interest in a particular area, it is a place for people to exchange ideas, thoughts and comments and a place where people can discuss things which they find interesting or important.

With that, we're proud to announce and welcome our three newest moderators that will help me with the day to day operations:

FDNY 10-75 (actually continuing in his longtime involvement with the site)



They will be on board to help facilitate and participate in the conversations, to moderate the conversations when needed, and to keep a helpful eye out. They are here to help the over 500 members who visit daily, as well as the hundreds of guests.

Also, RWC130 is staying on as Community Manager-Special Projects & Events and TR54 as Protection From The Past Manager, so events such as the muster can move forward.

Tommorow, we will be posting an opening for an additional staff member.

Welcome all, and thanks for you help!


EdAngiolillo and MoFire390 like this

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CONGRATS and welcome aboard.

EXDC203 likes this

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firemoose827 has rejoined our EMTBravo team.

An announcement of a new Chief Of Operations is coming soon!

RWC130 likes this

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