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Detroit Uses Drone During Fire Operations

15 posts in this topic

I've read elsewhere that this was a media company using the drone, and yes this is a tool we'll see used in the fire service, by the media and even the public.

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DFD is not using drones in the fire dept. They still use water and B@LL$ not to mention the closure of about 15 companies a day and the workload of all of NYS in 1 tour! They don't have the money to cover our brothers pay checks right now so I doubt they are flying drones. Here's to Riggs and the brothers in the wolfs den!!!

x129K, M' Ave, peterose313 and 2 others like this

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Good for Detriot for going back to Green. Look at all those nice green lots they have there and soon one more !

Edited by PCFD ENG58
CFFD117, JetPhoto and x635 like this

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The production company used drones to capture a lot of the footage for the Burn Documentary. I could see FDNY or another progressive department using this as a tool at large scale incidents. Also, this a much more affordable option for departments without access to a helicopter.

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I want one! Would be really fun! Isn't it basically like an R/C airplane with a camera?

It could really be a game changer for some fires, especially brush/wildland.

I know Detroit FD doesn't own or operate it, but they should just let fires would be safer and a good form of urban renewal.

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It sucks seeing a Dept like Detroit going down the crapper. Same for the city. That city should be booming, but it's suffering because a few of this country's biggest and most successful corporations decided to outsource all the jobs. It's sad and disgusting.

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Right now the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV's) is the subject of intense debate. Several states have or are passing legislation that would ban their use, even (especially) for public safety purposes, citing privacy concerns. One bill in Missouri is written so broadly that it will even ground law enforcement helicopters except for use in "life and death" situations. Existing case law on the subject has created "reasonable" altitudes for "searches" to be considered "not intrusive" and almost all UAV's fly below these altitudes creating a whole new issue to be resolved. If you think the issue of guns and car stops and bullets is a gray area, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

The FAA is also still wrestling with how they are to be integrated into the system so I don't think they're going to be popping up in a lot of places soon.

For more info:

x129K, INIT915 and 99subi like this

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Ya know what the drone could tell you about that fire? The same thing a guy in the TL bucket could......except there was no one there.....probably because they don't have adequate staffing.

FDNY does about 30,000 fires a year. If Detroit were the same size they'd do 60,000 fires. Now, I know many of these are vacant surround and drowns, they still see tons of fire. Twice the work, half the staff......brilliant planning.

x635, helicopper and firefighter36 like this

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One of the problems with these light weight drones is that they are susceptible to the thermals created by fires. A strong updraft could cause a drone to go out of control. A cheaper and less dangerous alternative would to install a remote controlled camera on the tip of the ladder.

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I am COMPLETELY against the use of drones in emergency services. And it has nothing to do with privacy or conspiracy theories. It has to do with protecting jobs.

You think the layoffs are bad now...wait until the politicians figure out that rather than having 100 police officers. You can have 50 police officers, 25 just turned 18 "cadets" or "community service officers", and use drones to fill in the patrol gaps.

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instead of watching a drone !!!!....they should of been watching out for the wall of bricks that came down and hit the brother firefighters on a ground ladder at that fire, one hurt seriously.

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