
This Day, This Month-How Do We Choose What To Celebrate?

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It seems to me that there is a recognition day for everything now. Multiple causes have weeks and months to celebrate different things and causes. It's kind of overwhelming and confusing, and dilutes the ideas and outreach.

Does anyone else notice this as well?

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You should have waited till tomorrow to ask that. I believe it is "National Ask A Question Day".

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Yes, I notice it as well. There are so many kin fact that it more or less diminishes the relevance of all causes. Everybody seems to want recognition these days and many are not shy about accepting the gratitude and attention. I am a retired fire officer as well as a Veteran and am proud of both, but I do not feel a need to tell it to the world and to be treated as a hero simply because I rescued a person or fought in a war. We call too many people heroes these days and those of us who have been around a little know that putting on a uniform and doing a job well does not make us heroic. There are true heroes among us, such as those who perform extraordinary acts of bravery or perform selfless acts to help others. Jumping on a live grenade or performing a rescue against all odds of coming out alive are two examples. In my final years of service,I noticed that way too many of us were more than willing to take a bow to a gracious public just for going to work each day. Let's reassess a little and back off and save the accolades for those among us who deserve it. Memorial Day is one holiday that should stand apart from some of the others that have popped up over the years to celebrate things that no one cares about. We should all care about our freedom and therefore make this day stand out fromthe others. Remember that we do not celebrate Memorial Day----------We observe it!!

Dave Smith

Newark NY

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In my final years of service,I noticed that way too many of us were more than willing to take a bow to a gracious public just for going to work each day. Let's reassess a little and back off and save the accolades for those among us who deserve it.

Dave first off thank you for your service both in the miiltary and the fire service and thank you for the very well put and spot on post above. That said and not that it all wasn't worthy, but this particular statement quoted stuck out to me. In our world of ever more intrusive and confining politcal correctness I think your point above is indicative the sense of entitlement this kind of forced "everyone is great and deseves credit" mentality breeds. Hard to earn something, be it accolades or respect or a host of other character building facets, when from a young age you've been "entitled" to them by political correctness.

And you are right on the money reminding us all that Memorial day is a day of rememberance for those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom...and not just a beginning of the summer celebration of food, drink and sales.

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