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Sad part is it is mostly us "older" generation that really appreciate the meaning of these cartoons and posters. While some how have been touched personally by the wars in Iraq and Afganestan most really do not have a true concept of the meaning.

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Sad part is it is mostly us "older" generation that really appreciate the meaning of these cartoons and posters. While some how have been touched personally by the wars in Iraq and Afganestan most really do not have a true concept of the meaning.

Sad it is.

We get the news from home here and I guess since these wars have been going on for some time now they are no longer news worthy. Much more importatnt to see what dress someone is wearing to an awards show or who's dating who than to make note of the sacrifices made out here by our troops daily. What message is that sending the "younger" generations?...Not a good one that's for sure!!

Glad to see some still get it though and remember all who have sacrificed over the years...pass it on.

Edited by FFPCogs

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If anyone ever gets the chance to visit military cemetary they should. Just to walk among the hundreds upon hundreds of crosses..... I went to the American cemetary in Luxemberg once. Just think that each one of those markers was somebody's father/husband/brother that didn't come home.

During all the celebrations and parades this weekend, take time to remember and give thanks.

Thank you FFPCogs.

Thanks dad. RIP

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Thank you FFPCogs.

I appreciate the sentiment, but deserve no thanks...I am simply doing a job out here in support of those who do. It is our soldiers, sailors and airmen past and present who deserve our support, respect and above all our to all of them THANK YOU!!

Edited by FFPCogs

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My father was a combat Medic wounded in the Huertgen Forest at the Battle of the Bulge in World War II while retrieving and carrying out a wounded army comrade who unfortunately did not make it, so luckily or unluckily I have always had a sense of the sacrifice his generation and those before and after have made in the name of Freedom for us and other nations. He healed but always carried the pieces of shrapnel from the mortar, and once in a while they would move, but he really never complained. He and my mother instilled in us a great sense of pride in our country, belief in honest work and almost a joy in helping those who could use a hand or cannot help themselves. Sometimes you wish you had tons of money to relieve the everyday burdens of those who worked so hard all their lives and make it through day-to-day, but......My sincere thanks and love go out to all who have served, all who currently serve, those who made the supreme sacrifice, and those who show these people respect. The showing at our small Memorial Day ceremony has been growing recently, so maybe people do know the meaning of the cartoons..........

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A big big thank you to the men and women pass and present who have or who is putting their lives on the line for us here in America to defend our freedom day in and day out! Thank you thank you guys!!! :)

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