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Grand Central Terminal 100th Aniversary (Parade of Trains) PHOTOS

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This weekend Metro North, as part of its year celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Grand Central Terminal held a Parade of Trains. Various locomotives and cars that have been used in the past by predecessor railroads such as the New York Central railroad, and equipment used today were on display.

First up was this Electro Motive Diesel FL-9, ordered by the New Haven Railroad in 1960. It was painted into New York Central colors in 1999 to celebrate 150 years of the Hudson River Railroad. It was retired in in 2000 and donated to he Danbury Railway Museum


Next was ACMU 1171 Air Conditioned Multiple Unit, originally ordered by the New York Central in 1962 from the Pullman Standard Co.


Th ACMUs were retired in 2004. Here is a view of the operators controls, which seem primitive when compared to todays equipment


Edited by grumpyff
redtruck75, 210, firedude and 2 others like this

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RS-3m built in 1952 for the Delaware Lackawanna & Western in 1952. It was retired in 2001, and donated to the Danbury Railway Museum




Long hood


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BL14 built by Brookville in 2008 fro Metro North for use in yard and work service. It uses several smaller more efficient gen-sets as opposed to one large engine



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the Tonawanda Valley built in 1928 for the New York Central


Parts of Metro North's Inspection train, which were buil;t in 1949 for the Erie Lackawanna "Phoebe Snow" train


Edited by grumpyff
firedude, BFD1054 and ant241 like this

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That will probably be it for tonight, and give others a chance to post their photos..

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GREAT shots K!!! Is that Fire-EMS cart manned 24/7?

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Missed today, too. Seems like just a visit to the Danbury Rail and NYC Transit museum moved to the most beautiful building in the word, Grand Central. I like going to the DRM during weekday hours, when you can pour over some of these cars and engines as much as you want.

Great way to commemerate the 100th, just wish they did something for the TRUE railfans there as well. They better have a Croton-Harmon Shops open house this year, or that robot and I are going to have some words!

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GREAT shots K!!! Is that Fire-EMS cart manned 24/7?

Not that I know of. AFAIK it is staffed by the fire brigade on an as needed basis

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Observation Car "Babbling Brook" built in 1949 for the New York Central's 'New England States' train


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The Transit Authority also ran part of its museum fleet on the Time Square shuttle

Car 9306,a R-33 Worlds Fair built in 1963


Car 6239, a R-15 built in 1950


and Car 5760, a R-12 built in 1948


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Thanks for the pics. I didn't make it down to this one. My wife tried to get some pics on her way to see her Mother on Sunday and said they were announcing 2 hours wait time on line to see the cars.

As an aside there was something going on a couple of weeks ago as I was passing through GCT and the EMS cart and the Fire cart were both on display on the ramp heading into Vanderbuilt Hall. Having met the crew of the EMS cart once I know that it is staffed by the Fire Brigade. The crew I met was a ticket clerk and an elevator repairman. They said there is a crew on call whenever the terminal is open to the public. THat was a few years ago but I doubt much has changed.

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Thanks for the great pictures, it's to bad there are no T motors left . It would have been great to see one done up in a two-tone gray lightning stripe paint scheme. On another note , in #15 , first and last picture there is a man wearing a back pack, I thought they were not allowed.

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Thanks everyone!

They were letting in purses, diaper bags,and bags that were strictly for photography. I heard that the "No backpacks" rule was to prevent damage to the insides of the private cars, which have narrow hallways

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