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To the Membership of EMTBravo - Please Read.

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To the Membership of EMTBravo,

There comes a time when things must change for the sake of allowing new ideas to come forth. With the recent problems with the forum, we feel that it is time that we as the admins and mods of EMTBravo move on so that the site can progress to the next level.

We have requested to be returned to the regular members list of the site and thank you for all the support you have given us as a Team trying to give you the best public safety forum on the internet. We value the friendships and contacts we have made, the discussions we have given, the different view points presented and the promotion of progress in the public safety sector.

Please feel free to contact us personally at any time and we wish all of you and the founder of EMTBravo the best on this site.


Joseph Navin (IzzyEng4)

Chris Lieberman (helicopter)

Nathan Robbins (xfirefighter484x)

Jack Bakker (jack10562)

Rob Casasanta(RWC130)

Duane Kuhlow (RescueKujo)

ems-buff, Bnechis, 16fire5 and 2 others like this

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So all of the Mods are quitting?

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Thank you guys for your hundreds of hours of hard work, loyalty, and dedication to the site and to it's members. It wouldn't be where it is now without you, and each and every one of you will be missed.

I just want to reiterate with every member that this site is not going anywhere.

EmsFirePolice likes this

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