
Wassaic CAFS Pumper 69-12 (Delivered)

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No problem at all, I appreciate you taking the time to post the photos. I hope to get some photos of my own of the rig one day, one of my personal favorite, along with your brush truck. What's the status of your new ambulance? Hope all is going well with that.


The ambulance construction was to start in August with a delivery around January 2014, you're welcome to come up anytime for a visit

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Here is a shot of Pawling's flat bed body under construction for their BRAT with our engine in the back ground


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Admittedly I don't know a ton about drafting but I didn't know you could get a good draft with storz connections.

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Admittedly I don't know a ton about drafting but I didn't know you could get a good draft with storz connections.

You can, but only if you have the correct gasgets. Standard ones will not cut it.

Storz works well and other depts prefer to use cam locks, as threaded hose requires more time and manpower to set up

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Thanks Captain, I was just going say you have to ensure that there are drafting gaskets which is a raised gasket instead of the flat ones in the items that are going to be used


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A few teaser graphic shots sent from the shop this morning, the side stripe on the roll up doors will also have a 1" blue stripe applied to follow the pattern off the cab and painted areas of the body

Front door and striping


Driver side with the Blue Beast on the rear door


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We haven't taken delivery yet, final inspection is Monday with the delivery set for Wednesday September 25th, I spoke to the shop and they say there will be no issues with the location, our tanker is setup similar and we haven't encountered any problems.

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Another one sent from the shop, on the visit I made to the shop Saturday I expressed that I thought the recessed grill lights needed some "dressing up" to match the chrome trim on everything else on the face of the bumper and I also was concerned regarding the discharge and small inlet caps when removed that they would swing downward or be dropped and thus striking the lights, even though they are recessed into the bumper, Tom (who is one talented fabricator and welder and has made most if not all the custom areas and brackets) at the shop looked it over and said he would have a solution to avoid that from happening, so they just sent me a quick photo of his solution, he made stainless steel trim pieces for the lights and attached the chains for the caps to the screws holding these trim pieces on thus allowing the caps if dropped to fall below the bumper, nice job I must say. I will have them move the chains to the sides on the visit Monday so they don't hang down in front of the lights but non the less a nice solution that looks even better.

An earlier picture of the front bumper from last week


From today


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A few more teaser shots sent from the shop this afternoon

The 1" blue stripes have been installed on the rear body and a better look at the upper gold leaf lettering


Netting installed for the speed lays, each of the three areas were done individually at our request.


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Headed to LI tomorrow for our final inspection, hope to get plenty of completed photos to share, it's been a long road with delivery this week

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Delivery has been pushed back to Friday as of this point, just ensuring the completion of some items, heck what's another few days

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I did take just a few pictures today

Tom installing the bottom mount for the cutter/spreader, you can see the wiring harness for the passenger side of the truck that has to be run to each light, this is the main reason for the extra two days until delivery


One adaptor left to be mounted, awaiting the mounting bracket which came while we were there today


The custom area designed to hold the ladders, small suction, 6 hooks and now one open area to be able to place long tools in, which is the upper right area.


As of today the delivery is supposed to be this Friday at 11 am!

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The delivery will NOT be this week, looks like early next week which after the visit yesterday makes much more sense, looks like maybe a visit Monday to complete the final inspection of the items that were not completed yesterday.

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Quality and completeness is always worth a few days wait-especially with that truck being as custom and unique as it is! I'm getting excited to see the finished product!

Did you get any new shots of the interior console?

Love the yellow powder coating that place in Poughkeepsie did.....makes them very visible on scene.

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Quality and completeness is always worth a few days wait-especially with that truck being as custom and unique as it is! I'm getting excited to see the finished product!

Did you get any new shots of the interior console?

Love the yellow powder coating that place in Poughkeepsie did.....makes them very visible on scene.

Exactly our sediment regarding waiting the extra few days for the delivery, the custom work they did on this Engine is pretty nice and as you said definitely unique, I came up with the concepts and designs of the ladder area, the front driver side front adaptor/strainer/hose compartment, the hydraulic tools area and the lay out of equipment and each time they've said sure we can do it, we've modified it along the way a few times to try and make the most of the space provided and I think we've achieved maximizing the space very well.

No photos of the console, it was still apart the other day, all the wiring is there it was a matter of getting it completed and the items mounted. Looks like we will make a trip down Monday as the Fire District Chairman wants to look at the items that were not completed at Monday's visit prior to the rigs delivery.

One additional item that we did was to have Firematic send out the grab handles into the cab located at each door (inside) to be powder coated yellow for just that extra visibility in entering and exiting the cab in the dark.

The cost savings on having the adaptors powder coated vs. buying new was huge, I got the district's approval to do the powder coating and we did a total of 20 different items and the bill was $300. We did have to purchase a few new ones, namely the 6" Storz ones, but looking at the new ones with the powder coated ones together you cannot tell the difference, a few of the pieces were 20+ years old and banged up pretty good, I have a few more to get out to get done today.

Thanks Seth for the comments, they're much appreciated, I've spent countless hours on this project and hopefully once in service the Engine will provide a great asset not only to our district but our many neighboring departments as well, just like the B.R.A.T has.

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The custom ladder, small suction and hook area is now completed, by opening up the little giant ladder and lying it flat fully open we were able to mount four hooks above it, thus freeing up an open space for some long tools (upper right boxed area). The custom box was mounted on the Engine this afternoon, thanks to x129k for the input on the hooks, as you can see there are now six hooks, with different sizes and types, much appreciated Dan!!!!


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And just sent from the shop the box is now mounted and for 4093x, we decided to not add those lights to the ends of the arrow stick and here you can see the new stainless trim piece placed around the light!


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When it comes in I will show you another needed "trick" the mean times, buy a few rolls of black hockey tape.

Our good buddy formerly of Red hook now in Ulster showed me the trick, I did my 36" griff hook that way, I donated it to the new Engine, now if I can only find the roll of tape!!

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Dan I know I am an old man now, seen a few "tricks" in my days ;)

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Engine is at the International dealer to get the governor programmed to communicate with the CAFS compressor and they sent me a shot, finally get to see most of the rear of the unit, the suction area was removed yesterday to place the ladder box in and will be placed back in when the rig returns this afternoon to the Firematic shop.


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Sent from the shop today, although not the clearest pic (cell phone) you can see the components mounted in the passenger side rear compartment, they finished the compartment up by placing the hydraulic pump on a small slide out tray for ease of getting the unit out of the compartment. There are a set of auto cribs mounted on the left wall, the combo cutter/spreader on the rear face, the slide out pump and on the rear wall right side is a set of combo spanners 2 1/2" to 5". Also the auto fill over ride and manual controls are on the rear face of the compartment as previously shown. The upper shelf has the hydraulic lines and gas can mount. I will get better shots on Monday of all completed compartments which hopefully should be all of them.


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Thanks Mark for taking me along with you today, it's very interesting to see how the truck is coming together and how much true customization there is.

Here are some photos as of today. I'm sure Mark will do a better job of explaining them.

















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You're very welcome Seth, glad you could make it, you can definitely see the difference when the LED stripe lighting is on inside the compartments, the one photos shows myself going over a few things with Tom on the left, Dan in the foreground welding the door for the rear ladder area and Dillon and Kevin making custom brackets to hold mini LEDs to be over top of the two front discharges, something we added at todays visit. I will add a few more to yours, thanks and Yes you are buying lunch next time :D

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Here are mine from today

The pump brains


The hydrant wrench and spanners and the LDH spanners (upper right) mounted to the extended front bumper area


The mini slide out custom tray made to fit the hydraulic pump


A side shot of the LED compartment lighting on


Open cab door shot showing the yellow powder coated grab handles at the entrance to the cab that we asked for at last weeks visit, in the background you can see under the console an open boxed area, this is for the AED and you can also make out the TNT tool mounted vertical to the right of the AED box. You can also see the water can which is mounted under the rear seat, you can see the handle, yes the rear seat bottom always fold up when not being sat in, this allows more access into the rear of the cab to get any of the items there or on the rear part of the console.



The Q finally has it's cover on :)


The knox boxes installed on the passenger side front officer's seat riser


The 6600 watt generator and reel tray pullout


The completed front of the tool board with the red reflective tape and the mini bolt cutters added today and custom mounted, also you can see on the right side of the tool board mini Amber LED flashers, they were added to the front and rear of the tool board and will flash when the board is unlocked from the D handle


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Watching Dan make the rear doors today for the ladder and suction areas was pretty cool and a few of Seth's I added to caption them.

Door being constructed


Dan welding the pieces together


Dan testing for fit


Ladder door installed, chevrons to be added and Dan was off to finish the suction door


Seth's photo, this is the driver side rear wheel well compartment which houses one folding wheel chock and the flare container, the front one houses the other chock and a 20# fire extinguisher.


Seth's photo showing the rear of the tool board, they added three aluminum boxes, one on the board and the other two in the side corners to house the SCBA masks, also this one is for x129K so you can see the 36" Griff hook mounted.


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Very nice photos Mark and Seth. It's a shame I couldn't make it out there with you today, there's always next time, lol.

I have always liked those swing out walls(last picture to make it simple) seems like a great idea.

The blue beast is almost there!!

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Brendan I am hoping there are no more trips down to the island, I am about driven out at this point but as stated prior you are more than welcome as anyone else to come up and see the Engine once it finally makes it home, we were told maybe by the end of the week, lol just not sure what week.

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