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Northern Westchester -Mutual Aid to CT Fire 5-26-05

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Date: 5/26/05

Time: Ongoing

Location: Focus: 308 Main St, Ridgefield, CT

Frequency: 46.26

Units Operating: Fairfield, Ct; Westchester, NY; Putnam, NY

Description Of Incident: General Alarm Fire

Writer: WAS967

SSFD to Ridgefield Scene

GBFD to cover SSFD but redirected to scene.

Vista Fire to Ridgefield Scene

CFFD to Ridgefield Scene

PRFD, CFFD, VFD tankers to Ridgefield Scene.

New Cannan to cover Vista.

Somers to cover CFFD.

Battalions 13 and 16 operating.

Field Comm 1 to Ridgefield Scene.

Bedford Hills FAST to Ridgefield Scene and being put to work.

Brewster Tanker Ridgefield Scene.

Mahopac Tanker to cover CFFD.

Large multiple structure fire reportedly engulfing entire block and making Peekskill's December fire look like a BBQ. One FF reported down at scene with Chest Pains.

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