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Mt. Kisco Mulls Expanding Firehouses

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Mt. Kisco Mulls Expanding Firehouses
The ideas being considered would involve an addition for the Independent Fire Company's Lexington Avenue firehouse, which would contain a new apparatus bay, and a one-bay addition for the Green Street firehouse, which is the home of two fire companies: Union Hook & Ladder and Rescue Fire Police. The East Main Street firehouse that houses the Mutual Engine & Hose fire company was being discussed for a possible elevator.

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I wonder why a central firehouse concept wouldn't work. I know MKFD looked into this, just wondering what they came up with. I know with the traffic and roads, and volunteers going to the firehouses, the current setup is ideal. Just that one building would probaly cost less then three, you'd think that the politicians would be looking for that, especially if they get to put two properties in the valuable central business district back on the tax rolls.

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Who owns the firehouses? The individual companies?

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The village owns the firehouses, fire companies own the equipment. Big issue on one centralized firehouse would be where to build it. Currently not one buildable lot big enough in the village to house such a facility. Maybe a couple locations, but those areas are wetlands and flood everytime you get a rainstrom. Easiest solution would be to bring current firehouses up to ADA code and expand them where you can. Overall cost would be far less than a new facility. Just my opinion!

x4093k, x635 and IFCO3080 like this

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The bigger question should be WHY does a Town/Village of just over 10,000 people covering a mere 3 square miles need three fire stations and all the apparatus Mt. Kisco has? The answer of course is because thats the way it has always been. A single station with two engines and a Ladder Company should be more than sufficient. The fire district where I reside in CT is 24 square miles with a population nearly twice that of Mt. Kisco. One station, two engines, a quint, a brush truck and a rarely used rescue. Within the district are one of the largest manufacturing plants in the state, the two largest power generating plants. a state mental hospital campus, a college campus, several schools, banquet halls, stores, restaurants and apartment complexes. Like most departments in Central CT, automatic mutual aid is dispatched on all working fires. Works very well without ripping off the taxpayers.

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Trucks are getting larger and the firehouse is not growing along with it. We two have many commercial buildings along with a hospital many schools and the biggest threat is the old grand union warehouse which poses many threats for us as a fire department. The media misinformed you as they usually do we DO NOT just cover 3 square miles. We are also contracted to cover an additional 8 square miles for the town of Bedford and new castle. These additional areas give very little hydrant protection. This is the main reason to having 4 engines because we do not have a tanker in our department. As stated above one firehouse is not feasible in our village due to flood problems also for ISO purposes the stations have been placed where they are for a reason. Mt Kisco fd is set up the way it is for a reason and all were asking for is a little more room.

Edited by IFCO3080
x4093k and FF398 like this

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