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Grasslands Fire Brigade's New Addition

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Grasslands Fire Brigade has acquired Pound Ridge's former Rescue 22. Designated Rescue 78 it is a 1988 GMC/Pierce medium rescue with a 750gpm pump and a 400-gallon tank.


Edited by jjpinto
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Our role is life safety and fire suppression for the Grasslands Campus and Westchester Medical Center.

The Grasslands Fire Brigade headquarters is located at the fire training center and apparatus is housed at the DPW Operations building on the Grasslands Reservation. There are 24 members who respond to fire emergencies on the entire Valhalla Campus from 8am - 3:30pm Monday through Friday. After hours the campus is covered by Valhalla and Hawthorne Fire Departments.

From their website:

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Thanks for the awesome photo, Joe! It's great to see the rig found a new home locally.

Didn't this rig first serve on the Ward Pound Ridge Fire Brigade? I think I remember something about when they disbanded, it was aqquired by Pound Ridge FD with the condition that they provide fire protection to Ward Pound Ridge. I think maybe Westchester County still owns it to this day....which would explain how DES got it if I'm remembering correctly.

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Thanks for the awesome photo, Joe! It's great to see the rig found a new home locally.

Didn't this rig first serve on the Ward Pound Ridge Fire Brigade? I think I remember something about when they disbanded, it was aqquired by Pound Ridge FD with the condition that they provide fire protection to Ward Pound Ridge. I think maybe Westchester County still owns it to this day....which would explain how DES got it if I'm remembering correctly.

Found the following information at

The department’s old rescue truck was on loan from Westchester County as a part of an agreement that called for the Pound Ridge Fire Department to cover a portion of the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation.

“The county asked us if we would cover an area outside any fire district at the reservation,” Dodge said. “As part of the agreement, they provided us with a truck.” The contract expired this year, and the department must return that truck to the county. The purchase was timed to coincide with the return of the old truck.

Edited by SteveOFD
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Glad to see the rig being kept in service, and hope it serves the Grasslands Brigade well for years to come. Most of the county's equipment is housed in the new garage they built off of Dana Road, but Engine and Ladder 7, and the banana Engine 8? are kept in the DES building as they are used for training. The contract was made for Ward Pound Ridge to be covered by Pound Ridge, and that contract has expired and the county taken their truck back; so now who covers Ward Pound Ridge? Is another contract going to be made or is the county going to take it over?

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If the park is within the district boundries, then legally the district must cover it and no contract is required

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Last I checked:

E7, E8, L7, R78 and FC1 are in the Fire Training Center.

HM1, R77, U77, RACES Comm Van, and some other vehicles are up in Support Services.

U3 is at the DPW building.

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