
Dutchess County - Firefighter Test - March 9, 2013

38 posts in this topic

how many paid departments are there in dutchess and are any of them looking to hire

Arlington (fire and fire based transporting EMS with EMT/Paramedic)

City of Poughkeepsie (first response EMS only, transport by commercial EMS)

LaGrange (fire and fire based transporting EMS with EMT/Paramedic)

Fairview (fire based BLS transporting EMS)

City of Beacon (first response EMS only, transport by VAC EMS)

Pleasant Valley (first response EMS , transport by commercial EMS or vollie Ambulance with career member on occasion. Daytime staffing only for now)

New Hackensack (?...this one always escaped me..)

In addition, the Castle Point FD is a career, federal (I beleive; perhaps Beekman could verify?) department, that does not hire off of the civil service list.

Not sure if anyone is hiring, but every year more jobs are getting bigger due to dwindling volunteer ranks, except the PFD..they fighting for what little manpower they have)

And let me add - that if this test is valid for three years or so...i would ANTICIPATE volunteer departments in manpower crisis states to start looking to hire, even if they follow Pleasant Valley's lead with daytime only, and even if it is just as a "driver" capacity..but we all know that a foot in the door is a foot in the door, and today's "driver" will be tommorow's Senior Man.

Edited by x129K
Newburgher, TR54, JetPhoto and 1 other like this

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In addition, the Castle Point FD is a career, federal (I beleive; perhaps Beekman could verify?) department, that does not hire off of the civil service list.

Not sure if anyone is hiring, but every year more jobs are getting bigger due to dwindling volunteer ranks, except the PFD..they fighting for what little manpower they have)

And let me add - that if this test is valid for three years or so...i would ANTICIPATE volunteer departments in manpower crisis states to start looking to hire, even if they follow Pleasant Valley's lead with daytime only, and even if it is just as a "driver" capacity..but we all know that a foot in the door is a foot in the door, and today's "driver" will be tommorow's Senior Man.

Castle Point is, in fact Federal hire, separate from the County test.

Residency is Dutchess Resident's only, correct?

It is "residency preferred". Residency in the department area, not just in the County. Most departments will attempt to exhaust their residency lists before going to the County list. This past list several departments did make it past residency to the County list.

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It is "residency preferred". Residency in the department area, not just in the County. Most departments will attempt to exhaust their residency lists before going to the County list. This past list several departments did make it past residency to the County list.

I do understand that much, but I meant are only Dutchess Residents are eligible to take the test?

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I do understand that much, but I meant are only Dutchess Residents are eligible to take the test?

I'd say based on past hiring, that Ulster residents are fair game too..... <_<

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I'd say based on past hiring, that Ulster residents are fair game too..... <_<

Woof! Alright then...

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I'm not positive but I think the test is open however once a list is established after the results each department may have there own residency requirments.

Edited by JetPhoto

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you can take the test regardless of your in county or out of county status. however once the results are out and the FPAT ( Dutchess county's version of the CPAT) has been taken, the county list is created and ranking begins. The only time residency matters is when a department is going to hire. At that time the department has the option to go right to the county list right off the bat, or have the counties list broken up into only canidates who reside in their district. once the department goes to the residency list, they have to exhaust that list before they can go back to or change to the county list again.

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If you reside in OC, would you say there is a chance of getting picked up? Also, what if you are living with a co-worker in DC but do not have any bills sent to that address, will DC disqualify residency preference for that?

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If you reside in OC, would you say there is a chance of getting picked up? Also, what if you are living with a co-worker in DC but do not have any bills sent to that address, will DC disqualify residency preference for that?

MFD82 - anything is possible however I would not stress the residency until your placed on the list after the agility test. Then each department will have individual requirements but most favor in district hiring first.

From the test:

Residence Prefererence: At this time most agencies give preference in appointment to candidates who are residents of their district for at least 30 days prior to the date of certification of the eligible list. Such residence preference is the policy of each individual fire agency and not subject to the control of the Dutchess County Department of Human Resources.

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During the current list at least the City of Beacon made it past the residency list. I was canvased from Orange County and they hired at least 1 guy from Ulster County.

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During the current list at least the City of Beacon made it past the residency list. I was canvased from Orange County and they hired at least 1 guy from Ulster County.

Good news! Thanks for the info

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If your that concerned put the cable and or phone in your name

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grades/list # posted yet?

Only been 2 months, I would expect another couple weeks, to another month, unless anyone else has heard anything different.

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Middletown results are out thats the only reason i ask

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Oneonta & St. Lawrence results are out as well.

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Has anyone recieved their results yet? Seems like its been a while

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Guys, it hasn't been long at all. NY State takes 4-6 month average. 6 months should be the average time you expect though.

Westchester county PD is going on 8 months in July with no word yet.

Be patient

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All results are out

Firefighter test

0 got 100

32 got 95

105 got 90

110 got 85

Firefighter/Paramedic test

0 got 100

2 got 95

5 got 90

8 got 85

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