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Bedford - Structure Fire 1-1-13

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District:Bedford Village
Location:334 Hook Road
Units:{BVFD:2041,2043,2042,E-109,E-108}{BHFD:2031,2033,T-5,MA9}{KFD:2213,T-6,MA15}{MKFD:2283,2284,TL-14}{SSFD:2453,T-2}{PRFD:2401,2403,T-3}{GBFD:2143,T-1}{WCDES:BAT-16,C/O ZONE 5,CC25,CC24}{Other:NYSEG-1,WCPD,BLDG-DPT,WATER DEPARTMENT}
Standby Units:{MKFD:2281,E-106}
Standby in quarters:{BFD:T-7}
Frequency:46.26, Fire 16
Weather Conditions:Clear, Cold

Description: 2 story, 90x80, fully involved wood frame

03:03-Tones went out for a reported structure fire at 33 hook road
03:03-caller reports vacant structure and there is visible fire showing
03:21-2041 rpts 10-75, fully involved requesting two more tankers and ops 1 for water supply and 2042 is supply officer,correct location is 334 hook road
03:24-Per Bat 16 pound ridge tanker to the scene and golden bridge tanker also to scene and mt.kisco relocate bedford fire headquarters
03:26-2041 reports 2031 is ops , 2033 is staging ,2 lines working on a 90x80 fully involved 2 story wood frame
03:41-Banksville standby in quarters with tanker 7
03:51-BAT 16 neg ems and fire conditions remain the same at this time
04:08-using the hydrant at jay and babbit req water dept notif
04:18-Per Bat 16 NYSEG is on the scene
04:42-Bat 16 requesting Dpt221 MA to the scene
04:51-Bat 16 Rpts loss over 1 million Dollars
05:27-situation is under control per Bat 16
06:09-command reports engine 198 and T-5 are available from the scene, Holding T-6, E108,E109,MA15
06:43-Units hitting hot spots at this time
08:05-All units are in service from 334 Hook Road


12:12-Toned out for a rekindle at 334 hook road
12:59-back in service

Units Operating:2041,E-109,E-110


Edited by FD250HQ
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