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Excellent Example of Gun Control

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Ordonaz, along with two other suspects, broke into a home located in Haven Court. The owner, to the suspect’s surprise, retaliated with gunfire of his own, resulting in a gun battle between the suspects and the home owner outside the house.

During the shootout, the home owner killed one of the suspects, and injured Ordonaz and the other suspect. The homeowner was injured as well and was transported to a local hospital.

There were children inside the house participating in a slumber party occurring when the shootout started. Parents of the children who had spent the night arrived at the scene of the shooting to pick up their children. None of the children inside the house were injured during the shooting.

Despite being wounded himself, the homeowner maintained his composure and control of his weapon wounding all three of the suspects, one fatally.

I don't know why they targeted this house full of kids at the time but I'm glad the homeowner was able to defend them.

tartcart358, calhobs, JCESU and 4 others like this

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