
YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)

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Welcome to our recently launched web site! We are working hard to make YonkersFireFacts.com your trusted source for everything you need to know about fire and rescue services and safety in the City of Yonkers. Please take a moment to look around and find about more about the services Yonkers Firefighters provide, as well as to learn more about the issues and challenges they are facing.


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Some interesting stuff there...when you read the amount of apparatus, 10 engines...6 trucks...only two ladder towers...all I could think of is "That's it?"....

You can see YFD rigs all day long, but until you see it on paper...then it hits hard...thats almost crazy..

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Upon arrival, our firefighters provide immediate life saving and sustaining services until a city offered For Profit ambulance service arrives and transports the patients to area hospitals. Due to the limited amount of ambulances available in the City of Yonkers and the ambulance’s lengthy response times, our firefighters often find themselves literally saving lives on a daily basis.

Tension in regards to Empress?

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I missed that gem...it DOES seem a little over the top with sensationalism....

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Empress is a union shop (International Association Of EMT's and Paramedics Local 20). I'm suprised that Yonkers FD, having a strong union themselves, would be trashing Empress and threatening the jobs and livelihoods of over 200 people with a company that has served the City Of Yonkers for over 20 years, and is able to provide a large amount of ambulances to the system anytime. While the firefighters recieve very good pay, benefits including a great pension, it's unexplainable why their Union would go after another union where the members of that union don't have nearly the same pay and benefits of YFD members. And while the EMT's and Paramedics are running their butts off covering calls, with down time spent in an ambulance on post, the firefighters have stations they can go back to after they dump patient care on EMS, which then does the meat and potatoes of the work. I didn't think that trashing another union was how they played the game. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.

I guess if EMS is 80% of your call volume, if the City paid for more ambulances and flycars dedicated to Yonkers in lieu of an FD first response, that would really bring down their numbers, and that would affect staffing and funding. And they must forget how Empress is a vendor of the City of Yonkers, and part of that is delivering what the customer (City Of Yonkers) wants. Must also forget that, even though they claim "For Profit" ambulance, Empress provides EMS to the City Of Yonkers for FREE, and often sacrifices their transport side of the business so they can provide excellent service to the city. Empress also provides, at mostly their own cost, a full service EMS Special Operations unit, with numerous personel extensively trained and very well equipped to support the fire department in Haz-Mat situations. Empress also provides EMD pre-arrival instructions to callers, which has been proven to be lifesaving. Not to mention how clinically progressive they are, such as being the first EMS service around to use RSI. Also, Empress EMS maintains their headquarters in central Yonkers, pays taxes to the City Of Yonkers, and employs numerous city residents. Their dedication to the City is evident.

I find it disgusting that the website implies that due to the EMS provider, that they are "saving lives everyday". Empress has some of the strongest and most experienced EMS personel out there, and you don't see stories about the good they do, because the fire department usually wants to take all the credit, as evidenced on their new website. The EMS employees are the ones saving lives everyday, as EMS is their full time job. Firefighting is YFD's full time job, and the motives of them trashing EMS is sketchy.

I guess true colors are showing.

x635, INIT915, ems-buff and 1 other like this

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I understand where you are coming from - but I didnt see it quite that way...

Union against Union...m'eh...

For Profit...absolutey, Empress is...and honestly - there is NOTHING wrong with that...they are a company started as a business, to make money, and they have succeeded in that...I cant count how many times i had to move the Jaguar to get to my bus...I say good for the Minervas for following an American Dream and being successful. There is NO shame in that...if YFD wants to pint that out - all fair in Love and War..IMO. These guys are fighting for the jobs of some, and with les manpower - technichally the lives of the guys that dont get cut...

I wish the YFD the very best, as always. BUt also know that as mentioned - the majority of the employees of Empress bust their asses with, and for them...for the people of Yonkers.

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Empress is a union shop (International Association Of EMT's and Paramedics Local 20). I'm suprised that Yonkers FD, having a strong union themselves, would be trashing Empress and threatening the jobs and livelihoods of over 200 people with a company that has served the City Of Yonkers for over 20 years, and is able to provide a large amount of ambulances to the system anytime. While the firefighters recieve very good pay, benefits including a great pension, it's unexplainable why their Union would go after another union where the members of that union don't have nearly the same pay and benefits of YFD members. And while the EMT's and Paramedics are running their butts off covering calls, with down time spent in an ambulance on post, the firefighters have stations they can go back to after they dump patient care on EMS, which then does the meat and potatoes of the work. I didn't think that trashing another union was how they played the game. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.

I guess if EMS is 80% of your call volume, if the City paid for more ambulances and flycars dedicated to Yonkers in lieu of an FD first response, that would really bring down their numbers, and that would affect staffing and funding. And they must forget how Empress is a vendor of the City of Yonkers, and part of that is delivering what the customer (City Of Yonkers) wants. Must also forget that, even though they claim "For Profit" ambulance, Empress provides EMS to the City Of Yonkers for FREE, and often sacrifices their transport side of the business so they can provide excellent service to the city. Empress also provides, at mostly their own cost, a full service EMS Special Operations unit, with numerous personel extensively trained and very well equipped to support the fire department in Haz-Mat situations. Empress also provides EMD pre-arrival instructions to callers, which has been proven to be lifesaving. Not to mention how clinically progressive they are, such as being the first EMS service around to use RSI. Also, Empress EMS maintains their headquarters in central Yonkers, pays taxes to the City Of Yonkers, and employs numerous city residents. Their dedication to the City is evident.

I find it disgusting that the website implies that due to the EMS provider, that they are "saving lives everyday". Empress has some of the strongest and most experienced EMS personel out there, and you don't see stories about the good they do, because the fire department usually wants to take all the credit, as evidenced on their new website. The EMS employees are the ones saving lives everyday, as EMS is their full time job. Firefighting is YFD's full time job, and the motives of them trashing EMS is sketchy.

I guess true colors are showing.

Hopefully NONE of my brothers on YFD will take the bait and attack the many dedicated and professional members of Empress such as this individual has attacked YFD. This is only one persons opinion. I have always felt that YFD and Empress line members work well together and respect each other. Us fighting each other is harmful to us all as well as to those we serve. 628s website post regarding Empress certainly was not an attack on Empress employees and I believe any reasonable, person would read it that way.

It is 628 s job to represent their members interests and this is what they are doing. They have not attacked Empress employees. Those who would try to spin this as an attack on Empress employees, or another union are doing so for their own reasons.

There are a combination of truths, half-truths and much untruth in this persons post. When I am rested I will respond to each point by point. Please my brothers on YFD as well as Empress lets stick to the facts and not get personal or unprofessional. This is what those who wish us harm are hoping for and expecting .

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The union has one concern, take care of its own members. I do not see it as an attack on Empress per se, but lets face it, if another ambulance company were to offer the same service at less cost to the City of Yonkers, Empress would be gone. The city bean counters have no loyalty, just cold hard cash calculations. I see as more against the city. Lets face it, if the City could save money on EMS, do you really think it will go to YFD? I would almost guarantee that it would be spent elsewhere.

Edited by grumpyff
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Found this in the Campus Fire Safety file on their website.


...Mayor Spano’s proposed cuts to the Yonkers Fire Department. As someone who would be directly impacted by these cuts we humbly ask that you call Mayor Spano and City Hall and voice your concern about keeping the YPD properly staffed.

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Upon arrival, our firefighters provide immediate life saving and sustaining services until a city offered For Profit ambulance service arrives and transports the patients to area hospitals. Due to the limited amount of ambulances available in the City of Yonkers and the ambulance’s lengthy response times, our firefighters often find themselves literally saving lives on a daily basis.

Oh stop the dramatics. This is about as sensational as the tv ad that was put out with the footage of a row store explosion that never happened. At least not in Yonkers.

Besides, what does YFD care, word has it that beginning the the new year, they're losing first responder as part of contract negotiations. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyone who doesn't see the above quote as an attack on another agency is lying and anyone who believes it is fooling themselves.

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Clearly I have little knowledge of the workings of your local FD's and the politics, but in reading 628's website I see them being honest about something that affects city residents.

First Respnder EMS ties up FD units, for how long is determined by the number of buses on the street at any given time. Like it or not, For Profit EMS services generally have to have all their units in constant motion to remain profitable, therefore they're like the airlines, they have fewer seeats than customers. This is not a reflection of the dedicated individuals who staff these buses, who likely feel the pain of constantly rushing call to call, knowing that the delay of their own definitive care may be detrimental to their patients. These people don't make the decisions on how many ambulances are in a given area, but in fact must work with what their given. This short staffing of EMS units is how a fore profit system stays afloat in times like these and how they pull in profits in better times.

For YFD or other FD's that have similar First Responder systems, the programs are double edged swords: they're clearly out on the street more often positively interacting with their local citizens, but they're also tied up unavaible for other emergencies, a real issue when you're already short staffed and have fewer apparatus and stations than your city and incidents indicate. This is big boy rules, peoples livliehoods are threatened and those who remain after cuts jobs' just get more dangerous. Less personnel, less companies mean, longer times for ventialtion, or water on the fire. Fewer personel make tough work even tougher as the same tasks must be completed by fewer people.

While I'm not looking to stirs this further, I've yet to see anyone that was incensed by the website actually state that the delayed response times are not an issue?

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Oh stop the dramatics.

I'm not sure if your saying I'm dramatic? If you are, let me just say I have no association with YFD or Empress. I don't even go to Yonkers for anything, so I personally couldn't care less how this whole situation plays out.

Just interesting from an outside observer how the website was worded, especially in relation to an organization that they have a quasi-partnership with.

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I'm not sure if your saying I'm dramatic? If you are, let me just say I have no association with YFD or Empress. I don't even go to Yonkers for anything, so I personally couldn't care less how this whole situation plays out.

Just interesting from an outside observer how the website was worded, especially in relation to an organization that they have a quasi-partnership with.

No, I wasn't calling you dramatic. I realized you grabbed that quote from the website. I was calling the whole context of those couple of sentences dramatic.

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I could be reading into this the wrong way but here are my observations:

As a Yonkers resident I am reading local 628's website and am a little confused. What is the city plan on cutting to the fire department? Are the cuts, manpower layoff's, closing fire houses, and not doing EMS response?

The website is very vague about what the actual problem's are, another point to add how do you want me to contact the mayors office and city council members when I don't know that the exact problem is.



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I could be reading into this the wrong way but here are my observations:

As a Yonkers resident I am reading local 628's website and am a little confused. What is the city plan on cutting to the fire department? Are the cuts, manpower layoff's, closing fire houses, and not doing EMS response?

The website is very vague about what the actual problem's are, another point to add how do you want me to contact the mayors office and city council members when I don't know that the exact problem is.



If the city takes away their EMS/CFR-D which is the majority of their work (80-85% I don't have exact numbers) then they can also cut into their minimum manning levels and other things. Hopefully this isn't the case since I have family in Yonkers and I'd hate to see jobs lost but going after another agency isn't the way to do things in my opinion.

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My take on the wording of the comments made by the YFD website regarding Empress is they are taking a public jab at Empress and their response time, for whatever their reason.

Unnecessary and unprofessional, in my humble opinion.

BrianMedic, x129K, INIT915 and 3 others like this

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Well, as someone who has been a part of the first response in the YFD for the past 22 years, I couldn't care less about what you Bull might find overdramatic, or what you Jack might find unnecessary and unprofessional. I've spent the majority of my career in SW yonkers and have seen good and i have seen bad when it comes to Empress. I, like JFlynn believe the 2 entities work well together (give or take a nut in a safari hat). But I believe the first salvo fired in this episode came from the bosses at Empress when they stated blatantly false response times in an effort to seize sole control over EMS in Yonkers, knowing full well it would cost jobs in the yfd, and worse yet, put the lives of the citzens at risk. So what would the main benefit be ? Greater profit maybe ? I don't know what was uglier , the false numbers being produced by Empress, or the roll the dice attitude exhibited by the city for the sole purpose of breaking contracts. It seems to me the Bosses at Empress were well aware of what the repercussions were to be had the first responder program ended . For the most part , the buses arrive in a timely manner, but I have witnessed 10 minute plus response way too often, and for Empress to tell the city that there would be no difference in service without the YFD is misleading at best. That to me is unprofessional. This, coming from someone who has delivered 2 chlidren , shocked and initiated cpr on too many to count, all because Empress wasn't on scene in a timely manner. Capt. Geo. Smith YFD

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OK, being a 25 year Yonkers paramedic ( that includes 3 years before the YFD even wanted to start coming with us on our calls), I was all set to spout off on this issue with tons of semi-intelligant comments, anecdotes, personal experiences and such that probably would have pissed of lots of folks I have respect for. But I waited. And while I waited I found this:

EVERYONE on this thread MUST listen to this. It is 20 minutes so some you short attention span types may not have the patients. But every word is riveting. It called the "The cost of a firefighter: How much is a hero worth?" It is a very interesting report. I hope the link works.


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shocked and initiated cpr on too many to count, all because Empress wasn't on scene in a timely manner.

With all due respect, that's the essence of the first response, quick response initiating CPR and Defib. Instead of having fire engines doing first response, they will now have a Paramedic doing first response.

blatantly false response times

Is this why YFD units were asking for EMS's ETA immediately upon the FD's arrival, and noting when it was a flycar on scene?

This is just evidence that the FD is going after Empress as retaliation for them providing what the City has requested.

in an effort to seize sole control over EMS in Yonkers, knowing full well it would cost jobs in the yfd, and worse yet, put the lives of the citzens at risk. So what would the main benefit be ? Greater profit maybe

If Yonkers FD wants to do EMS so bad, why don't they start their own Ambulance service, or put a Paramedic on every engine? And for those deadset on wanting to do EMS, why don't they quit the FD for an EMS career?

The City is the one who asked Empress to come up with the ALS Rapid Response plan. Empress, being a vendor for the City, is not going to breach their contract with the City to go out of business, leaving Yonkers with a subpar EMS service to replace Empress, costing a couple hundred people their jobs, in order to save firefighter's jobs. EMS isn't nearly paid as well as Yonkers FD, nor are they given benefits like the FD does. EMT's and Paramedics have to have a second job to make ends meet, even though Empress paramedics are paid more then most commercial services.

Bosses at Empress were well aware of what the repercussions were to be had the first responder program ended

Actually, Empress was asked to come up with a plan, again asked by the City, to replace the first response program. The City has stated that they wanted to reduce the five man engines with four man engines, and will reconize a significant savings in labor costs, as per the city. Empress is a vendor to the City Of Yonkers, which doesn't even pay for the EMS services!

And I think the biggest problem that YFD is afraid of is that their call volume will decrease significantly.

Fight the City, not Empress!

Edited by FF402
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OK, being a 25 year Yonkers paramedic ( that includes 3 years before the YFD even wanted to start coming with us on our calls), I was all set to spout off on this issue with tons of semi-intelligant comments, anecdotes, personal experiences and such that probably would have pissed of lots of folks I have respect for. But I waited. And while I waited I found this:

EVERYONE on this thread MUST listen to this. It is 20 minutes so some you short attention span types may not have the patients. But every word is riveting. It called the "The cost of a firefighter: How much is a hero worth?" It is a very interesting report. I hope the link works.


I'm just curious how many of you people commenting on this thread are even from Yonkers? Why does this matter, you may ask? Well, TO ME, its matter quite a bit, because we, the residents see and experience the difference between Empress and the YFD. I have to admit, I'm very shocked by most of the comments on this thread. These firefighters, like many of you claim to be (professional or volly), are fighting for their jobs, lives and traditions of a fire department, especially one as traditional and proud as the Yonkers FD. Were any of you at the city council meetings listening the higher ups of Empress either lie or completely stutter over the facts? I'm willing to bet NO, you werent. But you dare accuse the union members of "sensationalism" or using "dramatics", or heres the best one, "I don't even go to Yonkers for anything, so I personally couldn't care less how this whole situation plays out." I mean, WOW!!! Spoken like a true A-hole who really doesnt care about his fellow man...kinda contradictory for someone who works in emergency servies, wouldnt you say?

I was a proud city cop working many times with FD members...and despite the stereotypical butting of heads between the two agencies, we worked quite well, with us normally arriving first on scene, them shortly after, and EMS minutes, sometimes many minutes later! Thats not a knock on EMS, its simply a fact! But rather than support this proud department and go after the corrupt politicians trying to save a buck for their own christmas bonus, you post websites showing how Firefighters arent even as important as they use to be, or how they arent worth the money. I bet you also agree that this city has too many cops right? But when you wait 3 minutes for a cop to show up, you probably cry that it took him too long and you'd wonder why. Sounds to me like you are a tad bit jealous or just disgruntled. Yonkers has become the third most populous city in the state. This is a serious department with serious work, where lives are lost.

End of the day, this isnt about "taking jabs", but simply about men and women who are fighting for the very same thing you'd be fighting for if you were in their shoes.

I dont post normally on this site, and I definitely dont like to stir things up, but I'm just baffled by these remarks coming from other emergency service workers.

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Why doesn't the FD start their own EMS service, or petition to, if they believe they provide a better service and a faster response?

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Why doesn't the FD start their own EMS service, or petition to, if they believe they provide a better service and a faster response?

That would cost $$$.... but I think that either a fire based EMS service or a municipal EMS service would be the best situation for a city of this size.

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You can call me whatever you want, but I stand by it. I'm not going to interject my opinion into a war between two Unions when I know nothing of the facts or the issues they are debating. You on the other hand, obviously don't have the same reservations. You've already chosen sides.

"I don't even go to Yonkers for anything, so I personally couldn't care less how this whole situation plays out." I mean, WOW!!! Spoken like a true A-hole who really doesnt care about his fellow man...kinda contradictory for someone who works in emergency servies, wouldnt you say?

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yogruntNy writes

But you dare accuse the union members of "sensationalism" or using "dramatics", or heres the best one, "I don't even go to Yonkers for anything, so I personally couldn't care less how this whole situation plays out." I mean, WOW!!! Spoken like a true A-hole who really doesnt care about his fellow man...kinda contradictory for someone who works in emergency servies, wouldnt you say?

So what do you call putting out a TV ad with a Hollywood style explosion that never really happened anywhere in your district. Or claiming that you're "literally saving lives everyday" due to the shortcomings of another agency? Like it or not, that is mudslinging and its sensationalism. We all know what the majority of these EMS runs really are and most are NOT life threatening situations as some would have the public think.

I understand the role of the union is to protect it's membership at all costs. Just think that going after another agency is cheap and in this case highly misleading.

Edited by Bull McCaffrey
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"they will now have a Paramedic doing first response."

agreed ,so long as he is not tied up, but I guess you could tell the patient they'll get there when he can.

Is this why YFD units were asking for EMS's ETA immediately upon the FD's arrival, and noting when it was a flycar on scene?

or it could the only way to document the true response times

"If Yonkers FD wants to do EMS so bad, why don't they start their own Ambulance service, or put a Paramedic on every engine?"

Maybe it wasn't offered , in fact In June , I believe a former councilwoman brought up at the hearing, that any change to the Empress contract requires open bidding from other vendors .

"The City has stated that they wanted to reduce the five man engines with four man engines,"

Then maybe it's time to retire because I could swear I only have 3 guys on my rig besides myself. I must need glasses to find the others. Or you are just spouting about things when you really don't know the true facts

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So then, what is the YFD's goal with EMS? Just to restore the first responder program? And, subsequently, punishing Empress for the demise of the program?

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I would say the present goal would be to keep the response as is.Seems to work pretty well. The only one that is going to be punished is the unlucky patient when that promised response can't be kept. But I guess then the call will be made to send Fire.

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You can call me whatever you want, but I stand by it. I'm not going to interject my opinion into a war between two Unions when I know nothing of the facts or the issues they are debating. You on the other hand, obviously don't have the same reservations. You've already chosen sides.

I respect that you stand by it, as I stand by mine. Its your right! And I wasnt calling you anything. Calling someone an %*# hole and accusing someone of sounding like one are two different things. As I stated in my post, I'm not one to stir things up, but this issue bothers me. I apologize that peoples words hit home, but coming from a field such as this, people should learn to have thick skin. And by the way, you already did interject your opinion. And theres nothing wrong with that!

Be safe and I truly wish the best for the men and women of Yonkers...both EMS and YFD! Everything was working out perfectly fine before politics tried to play God...point the fingers at the problems, not the solutions. Happy holidays all

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