
Bronx 4th Alarm Jackson Ave 12/16/12

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Here are some photos I took at yesterday's 4th alarm fire at 603 Jackson Avenue in the Bronx. These photos are about an hour into the incident. There was no visible fire at this time, but still heavy smoke. Mostly tower ladders performing hydraulic overhaul, and apparatus on scene. Enjoy!

Across the street from the fire is a school playground, and a large crowd had gathered to watch. Air recon (NYPD Aviation) can be seen above the fire buildings.


Engine 96 took another hydrant the next block over on Concord, and hand stretched a 3 inch line through the playground in case it was needed


Edited by grumpyff
FF398, sfrd18, x635 and 7 others like this

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Engine 69 and 91 were staged on E151 St and Concord while their manpower were at work


Engine 82 hit the hydrant on E151 St between Concord and Jackson. I believe they were feeding Tower Ladder 31


Tower Ladders 31 and 17 working the front of the fire building and exposure 4


sfrd18, 210, RJB896 and 5 others like this

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Crew from Truck 42


Tower Ladder 14 set up on Pontiac to lob water from the 3/4 side of the building


Tower Ladder 17 continues to remove the siding off the front of the building.


JetPhoto, sfrd18, FF398 and 3 others like this

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Looking back at the scene, an unknown engine which left room for Tower Ladder 17 to set up


Ladder 29


Engine 83 and Ladder 48


Edited by grumpyff
M' Ave, x635, FF398 and 3 others like this

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Nice shots, thanks.

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that fire building is next to one of the old 7 Santini Brothers Moving and Storage warehouse. Can still see part of the old painted signage on side of the builing. grandfather worked for that company for over 50 years before they folded in early 90's. Another note some of my mothers side of the family lived right there on Jackson Ave back in the day up until the 70's after arriving from Italy. before they were tore down many many years ago. mostly new construction now on that section of block. my foot post until last year was Adams St Marys Project 1 block over. Great Shots

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Great shots for a pretty good worker! Thanks for posting. Any chance anyone is able to tell me about what the EMS crew is bringing in; specifically, what is in the yellow Pelican/Storm cases? I'd guess, from looking at their PPE and what I believe are Scott Packs in the bags on the cot, this is a Rescue Medic crew. Would it be typical for a Rescue Medic crew to be assigned to a working fire, over say a regular ALS unit?

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Where did my posts go???? There was no flaming................................Guess the 1st Amendment doesn't apply around here................. :rolleyes:

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Where did my posts go???? There was no flaming................................Guess the 1st Amendment doesn't apply around here................. :rolleyes:

I don't remember seeing any posts from you in the forum, nor are there any moderator log entries.

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Where did my posts go???? There was no flaming................................Guess the 1st Amendment doesn't apply around here................. :rolleyes:

Did you find your posts? Nothing of yours was deleted from here.

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Yup...........Over on Firepics............Wrong board........Sorry..................Flame away.............

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Yup...........Over on Firepics............Wrong board........Sorry..................Flame away.............

Nope, no flaming. Just glad you figured it out.

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