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Highway Safety-Pop-Up Cones

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Just came across this device online from a Ron Moore article (Firehouse Magazine, "University Of Extrication") . Seems like a good choice for those fire apparatus that dont have room for cones, or (grrr) are worried about how cones "will look" if mounted on the exterior. These will even fit in the chiefs vehicle. Big flashy lights don't always equal all out protection, and neither do these, but coupled with appropriate apparatus placement/ positioning, these can give drivers warning earlier which may help to prevent some situations. I beleive there is a law too, a Federal DOT one, that requires cones when operating on an Interstate.

Also, related to this topic,

an article by Ron Moore regarding Highway safety and apparatus positioning:

And a webiste focused on Fire/EMS/PD Highway operations and safety:

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Looks like a great invention... The only question I would have, is are they heavy enough to withstand the wind or traffic from blowing them over AND how well do they hold up to getting bumped or run over as we know happens ALL too often.

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