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Fire Chief - City of Beacon - last file 12/21 test 1/26

11 posts in this topic

Wouldn't it be interesting to see a guy in a Chief's Uniform going to Proby class if the candidate selected doesn't have a fire academy certification?

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Wouldn't it be interesting to see a guy in a Chief's Uniform going to Proby class if the candidate selected doesn't have a fire academy certification?

Hasnt that been done in Dutchess already? (Being serious, not sarcastic, I am out of the loop of some departments)

I can only guess who that one guy is...

FINE job for an Applebee's Hero....I'll put ya in for it, K!

on the job, pfdff and Danger like this

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Please dont chastize me.......I do not want to start a pissing contest!! I am looking for true feeling on this subject. I have family in BFD that has been there since the 70's. How does a paid Chief effect taxes & Morale? What is the ratio of paid FF to Vol FF? How does a cash strapped "city" afford a paid Chief? Again, this is a conversation, please answer the best you can!

x4093k and JetPhoto like this

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It says the promotional list will be certified first. And from what I see, the OC exam is just a way to make money, IMHO.

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It says the promotional list will be certified first. And from what I see, the OC exam is just a way to make money, IMHO.

Well, the OC Exam will be useful if the one guy the Promotional Exam was designed for cannot pass it.

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Please dont chastize me.......I do not want to start a pissing contest!! I am looking for true feeling on this subject. I have family in BFD that has been there since the 70's. How does a paid Chief effect taxes & Morale? What is the ratio of paid FF to Vol FF? How does a cash strapped "city" afford a paid Chief? Again, this is a conversation, please answer the best you can!

I don't know much about the inner workings of Beacon, but many here will agree that cash strapped or not, police and fire services are paramount and should be a fiscal priority. I'd personally rather have the City Recreation Department leaders position vacant than the police or fire chief. Is morale an issue or just bruised feelings? And given the low starting salary, it doesn't seem like a significant fiscal drain, and if a good leader is brought in, the benefits will probably outweigh the cost.

P.S. Why is city in quotes? Beacon is an actual city, no?

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It is absolutely amazing how THE DUTCHESS COUNTY PERSONAL DEPT. works... and let people or person become chief that dont even have FF 1 ..............LOL.

Edited by xfirefighter484x
sklov5949, x129K, Danger and 1 other like this

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I am not familiar with the difference in NY for career and vlunteer training, but is there a way to get credit for various training equivilent to the career academy or would you really have to go as a chief? MIght not be a bad idea for some Chief's I can think of to go to an academy, but I can also think of allot of folks with a ton of experience and training but never having been to a single formal academy.

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By law in NYS, every career firefighter has to have a minimum of 229 hours of training in various topics. Most career academies run in excess of 400-600 hours of training. Additionally, all career firefighters have to meet a minimum standard of 100 hours of annual training in various topics each year.

NYS law also outlines and mandates First Line Supervisor Training within one year of appointment for all career fire officers.

I know some departments, specifically FDNY have training for captains and chiefs, etc. however, I do not believe that is required state-wide.

Edited by firefighter36

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