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CT Fire Science Students Get Experience Living in Fire Station

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CT Fire Science Students Get Experience Living in Fire Station

Fire Engineering

December 7, 2012

Six University of New Haven students are finding that their living situation this year isn't conducive to sleep -- at least on some nights.

That's because they're living in the Allingtown Firehouse and every time there is a fire or emergency call, they respond.

Shameless plug for my department, but thought this would be worth sharing with the group. Our "bunkie" program is becoming more and more active as it continues to develop, and its a win-win for everyone involved. The Department gets additional manpower available for calls and the students get experience and a taste of what its like to live and work in a fire station. Frankly the UNH membership keeps our volunteer department going, so expanding the resources and facilities we provide them is a top priority for our organization.

Bnechis, BFD1054, wraftery and 2 others like this

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When I went to UNH I didn't go the Live in FF route, From what I have read this looks like a great program. I was back on the UNH campus Last month for the first time in about 10 years and a lot of stuff had changed since I left in 2002.


x635 and SageVigiles like this

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