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Ft. Montgomery (Orange) Haz-Mat 12/4/12

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Date: 12/4/12

Time: 9:50

Location: 21 Morgan Rd - Highland Falls Central Schools

District: Ft Montgomery


Units: Ft Montgomery - Highland Falls - Cornwall - West Point Haz-Mat team - county Haz-Mat team - Hangout FD with the decon trailer - Slate Hill - Stony Point FD

Weather Conditions: Cloudy/Fog, Light Rain, low 50's



Command reports that he is on scene with a chemical reaction from mixing Ammonia in the lab with a smoke condition on the 3rd floor.

Command req west point hazmat team to the scene

Command req ems to eval 4 pt's

Command req cornwall to go on stby

EMS advises 20 pts being eval ATT

Command req county hazmat to the scene

Command req Cornwall FD to the scene to set up a water supply for the Haz-Mat team

Command req slate hill for stby

10:11 cmd req Stony Point FD from Rockland County on stby

10:35 36-14 adv he is on scene

10:44 Command req hangout fd to stby with the decon decon trailer

11:59. Command rpts hangout fd can go back in service

Edited by helicopper
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