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Koshu, Japan - Tunnel Collapse w/ Fire - 12/2/2012

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Date: 12/1/2012

Time: Approx 08:00 local time

Location: Sasago Tunnel - Chuo Expressway in Koshu, Japan

Departments: Police, Fire, EMS

Description: Parts of the Sasago Tunnel on the Chuo Expressway have collapsed leaving cars and people trapped in the tunnel and causing a fire. 7 people are reportedly trapped in the tunnel and 1 woman has reportedly been able to make her way out of the tunnel with minor injuries along with a reporter for the public broadcasting channel NHK. Fire officials are unsure as to how many cars are trapped and or on fire. CCTV inside the tunnel showed that approx 100 ft of the tunnel collapsed on the Tokyo bound side of the expressway. The tunnel is a twin bore and approx 2.7 miles long and 1 of the major highways out of Tokyo. Fire brigade is still trying to extinguish the fire. There are also reports of a mudslide that triggered the collapse of the ceiling of the tunnel.


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Writer: peterose313

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