
New Way To Report Forum Software Technical Issues, Errors And Bugs

3 posts in this topic


We have installed a new forum app that will allow you to report forum bugs, errors, and technical issues to us.


Please use this app to report any technical issues, errors, or bugs you may find. This will make it more streamlined and efficient for us to resolve the issues, and will give you a chance to follow up on the disposition of your report.

You can find the tab to access the app on the top of the page, illustrated below:


When you get to the main page, click on the "EMTBravo Forum Technical Issues And Bugs" link.

Then, click on "Start New Issue" to create a new report as illustrated below. (To view the status of you reports, click on the "My Issues" button


-Seth G.

firedude and peterose313 like this

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firedude and I both created one, no responses yet. Seems to work fine, although can't edit it incase we forgot anything.

Also, what is the "Confirmations, Yes, No" area about?

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firedude and I both created one, no responses yet. Seems to work fine, although can't edit it incase we forgot anything.

Also, what is the "Confirmations, Yes, No" area about?

If you're able to replicate the issue, or are having the same issue, click "Yes" to comfirm. If you haven't come across the same error, click "No".

If you forgot to add anything, you can reply to the post. If I start looking into something, and meanwhile you go add in information while I'm working off the initial post, that could cause me various issues while investigating.

x4093k likes this

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