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Condensing The Forums

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I noticed this a little while ago when people were suggesting the food thread that there was a thought that perhaps the forums were becoming too specific and often there are too many of them (to surf, to decide which to post your given topic in, etc.). I am wondering if anyone thought it is a good idea to condense some of them. An example: condense all the events/training into one forum called "Events and Training." The aparatus forums could probably be condensed too, and maybe even some of the other ones. Just an idea. Wonder what everyone else thinks...

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I'm considering some consolidations at this time.

I'm not going to merge training and events, but I am considering the following:

Training Oppurtunities And Training into one

Deletion of the Fire And EMS Tools

Merging The Apparatus And New Deliveries Forum

Merging FDNY Apparatus And FDNY Operations

I am just CONSIDERING the above at this time.

Also, if we upgrade the forum, it will be easier to organize. But that is a ways off.

All Members, Please add your input

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