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Tear down this Wall

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"Tear down this Wall". Those famous words were once spoken by the late President Ronald Reagan. Those were the words he once said to then Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev. He was referring to a large cement and brick wall topped with razor wire, which physically divided the City of Berlin and the entire country of Germany. On the West side of that Wall in West Berlin, was a Free Country and Free Demorcracy. On the East side of the Wall in East Berlin was a Communist Country with no Freedoms.

Recently I had the opportunity to visit one of the Stamford, Ct Firehouses. I was invited to the quarters of Engine 8 which is on Vine Rd, about seven tenths of a mile south of the Merritt Parkway. That evening when I got off the Parkway was a firehouse to the left. I was later told that is Turn of the River Fire Depts quarters. A large, maybe three bay firehouse, that really isn't that old. So I headed south and three traffic lights was Vine Rd. Turned left and Stamford Fire Station 8 was right there.

When I got there I found a trailer mounted on a slab and a seperate single bay garage with the words Engine 8 on the top of it. It reminded me of some firehouse in the middle of nowhere in one of our very poor rural areas. This certainly wasn't what I expected to see in Connecticuts Fourth Largest City, in one of the richest counties in the country. (Fairfield County, Ct). That firehouse is the home of Three Stamford Firefighters, One Officer and Two Firefighters per shift. When I got there we talked about some of the older rigs that Stamford FD had, and of course of the Stamford Fire Dept how it is today. With two firehouses within 7/10s of a mile of each other I asked; "why aren't you up the street in that other firehouse". The answer was:

"We Are NOT Allowed in There"

The Stamford Firefighters are NOT allowed in there. I couldn't believe that ! Instead the City of Stamford must pay rent for that property to operate that Trailer mounted on a slab as Stamford Fire Station 8 with a seperate single bay garage. I asked how long they have been operating out of this trailer, and the officer told me, Four Years.

When a run comes in, these Stamford Firefighters must go outside into that garage, regardless of the the weather: snow, rain, wind, whatever, before they can get on the rig. All while a large firehouse, that is probadly empty sits Less than 7/10s of a mile away. In fact, while I was there, a run did come in. They responded to a call in one of the other volunteer areas. At that call was what appeared to me as a very young volunteer chief. Later I asked one of the Stamford Firefighters if that was the chief of the volunteer dept and I was told "yes, and he's 26 years old". Another shock that I just had a hard time understanding. Maybe he knows his stuff, I just wouldn't feel confortable taking orders from a 26 year old fire chief. Would you feel confortable taking orders on the fireground from a 26 year old ?

Now please understand, I am NOT putting that dept down. As I said, maybe that chief knows his stuff. In fact, I was actually pretty impressed with the members of that volunteer dept. And as I looked around, I happened to notice a well respected FDNY Officer from a very busy company, driving one of the rigs. He certainly has alot more firefighting experience than I ever did.

I was later told that there is also another Stamford fire station that is even closer to one of the volunteer firehouses that the Stamford Firefighters are NOT allowed to use and the taxpayers must pay the bills on that Stamford fire station also. I believe that is Stamford Fire Station 9.

Maybe there isn't a cement and brick wall with razor wire dividing the Fourth Largest City in Connecticut. But there certainly is a Wall in Stamford. It may not be physical, but its there. Recently a decision was approved to combine all Five Stamford Volunteer Fire Depts into one dept., and with one leader. A combination career/volunteer dept. I hope that this Wall can be torn down, just as that Berlin Wall was torn down decades ago. And the City of Stamford is only one example. Stamford just happens to be in the spotlight at the moment. There's more depts out there that also need to Tear Down Their Walls.

16fire5, PEMO3, sueg and 12 others like this

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I would like to mention that the young chief that I am referring to is actually well respected by many members of the Stamford Fire dept. It was only my own opinion of how "I" felt about such a young chief.

And let me add this. I guess another way of putting it instead of the East and West Berlin Wall is right here in our own country. When the North and South were divided and a battle was fought called "The Civil War".

grumpyff, sfrd18, bfd34180 and 2 others like this

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The wall you speak of wasn't built overnight. It's interesting to see what someone who doesn't have a dog in the fight (so to speak) thinks of the situation. In the grand scheme of things, it is kind of ridiculous to have a makeshift garage less than a mile from a fairly large firehouse. That being said, I'm not a member of that firehouse and when engine 8 and 9 were deployed the situation was particularly hostile. So, I'd agree with you, but short of brute force I am not sure how you make the stragglers place nice in the sandbox. And side note, if you think their present housing is bad, you should have seen the crappy tents with christmas tree lighting they were in initially... ouch.

Also, to clarify, the chief you mention is an assistant chief. His dad is the chief of the department, which tells you how long that 26 year old has been involved in the fire service (probably, like my daughter, before he could walk).

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And let me add this. I guess another way of putting it instead of the East and West Berlin Wall is right here in our own country. When the North and South were divided and a battle was fought called "The Civil War".

A lot of people died for both of those "walls" to come down. It would be very sad if it took the same to solve this one.

Nicely written

antiquefirelt and helicopper like this

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2 questions............

#1......Why was an FDNY officer driving another fire departments rig in another state........on a call?????

And #2

Why was said FDNY officer even involved in a department where there are other UNION firemen????? Last time I checked, NYC UFA and UFOA members are barred from serving as vollies in Combo departments.........

Maybe Stamfords Local should have a talk with this person.........

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It is my understanding that the UFA prohibition is against FF's volunteering for departments where the volunteer organization would be considered a direct competitor to that members specific UFA local.... ie a FDNY member would be prohibited from volunteering at Richmond, Oceanic, Gerritson Beach, Point Breeze, etc as they directly compete with Local 94. But a FDNY member volunteering for TOR in Stamford does not directly compete with that members local thus it is permissible.

Perfect example is all the DCFD members who are vollies in PG, Anne Arundle, Montgomory, Fairfax, and Louden counties.

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It is my understanding that the UFA prohibition is against FF's volunteering for departments where the volunteer organization would be considered a direct competitor to that members specific UFA local.... ie a FDNY member would be prohibited from volunteering at Richmond, Oceanic, Gerritson Beach, Point Breeze, etc as they directly compete with Local 94. But a FDNY member volunteering for TOR in Stamford does not directly compete with that members local thus it is permissible. Perfect example is all the DCFD members who are vollies in PG, Anne Arundle, Montgomory, Fairfax, and Louden counties.

Except for the fact that Belltown FD is in CT and FDNY does not allow its members to live in CT.

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It is my understanding that the UFA prohibition is against FF's volunteering for departments where the volunteer organization would be considered a direct competitor to that members specific UFA local.... ie a FDNY member would be prohibited from volunteering at Richmond, Oceanic, Gerritson Beach, Point Breeze, etc as they directly compete with Local 94. But a FDNY member volunteering for TOR in Stamford does not directly compete with that members local thus it is permissible.

Perfect example is all the DCFD members who are vollies in PG, Anne Arundle, Montgomory, Fairfax, and Louden counties.

NO............ANY Combo FD where there are IAFF members!

And not to start a war here, but the DCFD members volunteering in those combo Departments are scabbing it also!

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It is my understanding that the UFA prohibition is against FF's volunteering for departments where the volunteer organization would be considered a direct competitor to that members specific UFA local.... ie a FDNY member would be prohibited from volunteering at Richmond, Oceanic, Gerritson Beach, Point Breeze, etc as they directly compete with Local 94. But a FDNY member volunteering for TOR in Stamford does not directly compete with that members local thus it is permissible. Perfect example is all the DCFD members who are vollies in PG, Anne Arundle, Montgomory, Fairfax, and Louden counties.

The UFA may not specifically prohibit volunteering in departments outside of NYC, however the IAFF By-Laws DO prohibit it's members from volunteering in departments in which one of it's Locals exists. Stamford would be one of those places, however the IAFF does not actively monitor this. It doesn't get directly involved unless one of the Locals involved makes a "complaint".

BTW, if the person mentioned in this thread is a FDNY officer (non-admin), then they would actually be a member of Local 854 - Uniformed Fire Officers Association.

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Screw the IAFF, all they want is money. Second, any man who willingly volunteers in a combination dept is a real POS. I plan on discovering this guy, how did you find out he works in NYC? If he was wearing a shirt he is a complete moron. I hope his mommy and daddy still have the NYS address for him to use. I bet he has an IAFF sticker of a UFA sticker on his car too.

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Just to get back on topic... I too have seen this "trailer" and was shocked by it, drove past it on the way to a friends house.

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It is my understanding that the UFA prohibition is against FF's volunteering for departments where the volunteer organization would be considered a direct competitor to that members specific UFA local.... ie a FDNY member would be prohibited from volunteering at Richmond, Oceanic, Gerritson Beach, Point Breeze, etc as they directly compete with Local 94. But a FDNY member volunteering for TOR in Stamford does not directly compete with that members local thus it is permissible.

Perfect example is all the DCFD members who are vollies in PG, Anne Arundle, Montgomory, Fairfax, and Louden counties.

Two problems here:

1. While the IAFF does not approve of members being follies, they tend to turn a blind eye when the VFD does not respond to area covered by career (union) FDs including combo FDs. In Stamford this is clearly a violation as Stamford is served by union members ( and most of the vol companies employ or employed IAFF union members.

2. If the driver mention is indeed on the job with FDNY (regardless of rank) he is. In violation of the FDNY residnecy requirement.

Not good no mater how ya slice this one!

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Hey y'all! Let's not lose focus about the REAL issue here. The real issue is not a vollie who is career somewhere else. The issue here is that there is a fully-functional firehouse run by volunteers who won't allow the city engine staffed by career FF to stay there and as a result, they have to live in a trailer down the road. THAT is a travesty and I'm surprised there isn't more outcry about it.

Pathetic little turf battle!

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I believe that FDNY member does live in Westchester County, but just over the Stamford, Ct line. But my main focus was not to point that out, but how one city could be so divided when it comes to it's fire protection.

A similiar situtation faces other depts in Connecticut, and I hope when all is said and done, One Fire Dept will protect the citizens of Stamford, Ct., and that the Stamford Fire Dept will become a Role Model for other fire depts to follow.

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