
FDNY firefighter says he's been ostracized - because he became a vegetarian

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Interesting story.

FDNY firefighter says he's been ostracized - because he became a vegetarian


November 19, 2012

The FDNY has a hot potato on its hands.

A city firefighter says he's being ostracized by his fellow Bravest because he decided to become a vegetarian.

Anthony Harper, 42, an eight-year department veteran, told The Post he decided to change his diet about two years ago, and began refusing to help pay for or share in the communal meals at his Brooklyn firehouse.

READ MORE: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/tofu_fu_bravest_diet_beef_4pd0CrCuz8h7K4qEXsjkxO?utm_campaign=OutbrainA&utm_source=OutbrainArticlepages&obref=obinsource

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It looks like a "Chess Move." He's on the Lt list but needs a little extra to get the promotion. So he sues the city and the carnivores (that's a new FDNY Society) and if he is not promoted he goes before some clueles judge and yells "harrassment".

I almost guarantee he gets promoted and a cash settlement on top. Then the city will then have to spend $3.6 million to train the whole department on the nutritional value of veggies as ruled by the judge.

Judge Garufis then gets a hold of the case and orders "rolling meat-outs" citywide. Companies will be required to give up meat on certain days. OOPS... it wasn't Garufis, it was the Pope that ordered that one.

JM15, BFD1054, effd3918 and 11 others like this

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Two clueless judges getting involved in one FD related case....how good are the chances of something like THAT happening?!

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Judge Garufis then gets a hold of the case and orders "rolling meat-outs" citywide. Companies will be required to give up meat on certain days. OOPS... it wasn't Garufis, it was the Pope that ordered that one.

Don't joke... LA will hear you :P


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Wow, news spreads fast!

A little history:

When the Pope (and I don't know which one) gave the order that Catholics must go meatless on Fridays, it was because the Spanish fishing industry was having finacial difficulties. To bolster the Spanish fishing industry, he made the fasting on Friday order. (sounds a lot like the GM bailout, doesn't it?). In return, the Pope was given a castle in Spain.

As for me, I like seafood, but I question the motives of Popes and Politicians.

SageVigiles, JM15, BFD1054 and 1 other like this

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He doesn't look all that healthy to me, It looks like he could use a nice juicy steak !!!!!

I bet that's what they told him in his firehouse.

Another possibility is that he is just too cheap to go in on meals with the rest of the guys and he brings in a carrot or two for his supper. We've all worked with guys like that. The worst of them sneak out at midnight and eat the leftovers.

Cutty630, Bnechis and M' Ave like this

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This article is an embarrassment to the job and more so to this disgrace of a firefighter. The article would have you believe that this is a dietary issue and that the other firefighters are making him feel like an outcast because of his dietary choices. I've never worked in that firehouse, but we all know what the firehouse kitchen is like. The kitchen is sacred in the firehouse. It's where a group of firefighters, working together for 24 hrs, come together as a unit, cook and eat. Everyone coming together is key to the cohesiveness of the firehouse. Not everyone likes what is put on the table every night and no one is forcing food down your throat. Plenty of people I work with don't eat shellfish or cheese and some guys ARE cutting down on their meat intake for health reasons. That's fine, but everyone still pays and everyone still cooks. If nothing else, it's a highly important symbolic activity. We have a rule, if you're "out on the meal" then that's it, you're out.

Don't be fooled by the NY Post rhetoric or this guys nonsense story. The trouble didn't start because one person decided to change their diet. It began when that one person decided that the whole firehouse and a sacred aspect of it's culture had to change for him. We drill together, we laugh together, we eat together and we put ourselves in harms way together. You can't shun one of those things and expect everyone to maintain the same level of respect for you.

If any serious credence is lent to this story, it will be one more slide down the tube for society.

Edited by M' Ave
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Been in 6 companies in 8 years. He's a problem we've had brothers who are vegetarians and have accommodated them with no problem he must of done something to piss the brothers off

streetdoc, M' Ave, IzzyEng4 and 2 others like this

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Been in 6 companies in 8 years. He's a problem we've had brothers who are vegetarians and have accommodated them with no problem he must of done something to piss the brothers off

That's the problem right there................6 companies in 8 years..............OBVIOUSLY he has a very hard time getting along with others.............This is a NON-STORY!!!!!!

IzzyEng4, x129K, Cutty630 and 3 others like this

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Another possibility is that he is just too cheap to go in on meals with the rest of the guys and he brings in a carrot or two for his supper. We've all worked with guys like that. The worst of them sneak out at midnight and eat the leftovers.

Just spike the leftovers once, and it will never happen again.
x4093k, sfrd18, IzzyEng4 and 2 others like this

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Just spike the leftovers once, and it will never happen again.

...ya know, bread and fry a sponge with the rest of the chicken parm!

On a serious note: we regularly TRY to accommodate everyone, and for less serious issues than being vegetarian. If a few fish haters are working we don't get fish.....

.....6 companies in 8 years is a sure sign of a problem child.

sfrd18, wraftery, BFD1054 and 5 others like this

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Most of us on the job recognize the "6 companies in 8 years" as a big red flag. I fear that a judge will interpret this differently and say it is a widespread prejudice against vegetarians, with FDNY ignoring the problem.

A guy who transferred that much should be scrutinized in his bid for Lt. Something is wrong.

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...ya know, bread and fry a sponge with the rest of the chicken parm!

On a serious note: we regularly TRY to accommodate everyone, and for less serious issues than being vegetarian. If a few fish haters are working we don't get fish.....

I'm a non-seafood eater............but if the men know i'm working, they will always buy me a chicken cutlet. And in the meantime, i'm still helping prepare the fish meal...........it's never been a problem..........and i'm not the only one who doesn't eat fish in the firehouse.

The men are ALWAYS accomodating!!!!!

Edited by CBX4627
M' Ave, BFD1054, sfrd18 and 1 other like this

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Just spike the leftovers once, and it will never happen again.

....And mix Ex-Lax in with the chocolate frosting for the cake!

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Years ago I had a good friend (no names) that was a vegetarian, he never had any problems. He was in 4 companies, truck then rescue as a firefighter, truck as a Lt. and truck as a Capt. The historical firehouse kitchen culture is sacred, but so is brotherhood, 6 companies in 8 years is not a diet issue, this will never make it into the mainstrean or even the fringe media, so it is up to the members of this board to keep the truth flowing. To M' AVE this person is not an embarrassment to your job, he's an embarrassment to himself, we see him for what he is, using this "diet" issue as as means to an end for personal gain, stay strong your brothers know the truth.

M' Ave and BFD1054 like this

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I thought 6 houses in 8 years meant he was a really great Fireman :rolleyes: .

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Most of us have never been prouder of our job than right now. The selflessness of the brothers has been unbelievable in the past month. First the members worked through tremendous adversity the night of the hurricane and there are countless stories of initiative and heroism. Which was quickly followed up by helping our brothers and neighboors in need both out of our pockets and with our backs. The service and selflessness seems to be contagious and has inspired all of us to do more. It is during all of this that the member in question has chosen to publicly release his suit. To me it shows how out of touch he seems to be with the job.

wraftery, x129K, M' Ave and 2 others like this

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Most of us have never been prouder of our job than right now. The selflessness of the brothers has been unbelievable in the past month. First the members worked through tremendous adversity the night of the hurricane and there are countless stories of initiative and heroism. Which was quickly followed up by helping our brothers and neighboors in need both out of our pockets and with our backs. The service and selflessness seems to be contagious and has inspired all of us to do more. It is during all of this that the member in question has chosen to publicly release his suit. To me it shows how out of touch he seems to be with the job.

God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving.

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To M' AVE this person is not an embarrassment to your job, he's an embarrassment to himself, we see him for what he is, using this "diet" issue as as means to an end for personal gain, stay strong your brothers know the truth.

I couldn't agree more. The embarrassment is only in the article. And as was said before, this is a proud time for this job. It's been impressive to meet an incredible number of members of this job (and others) all working to help strangers in hard hit areas.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at home and at work, like I'm sure many of us are.

BFD1054 and streetdoc like this

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I'm a non-seafood eater............but if the men know i'm working, they will always buy me a chicken cutlet. And in the meantime, i'm still helping prepare the fish meal...........it's never been a problem..........and i'm not the only one who doesn't eat fish in the firehouse.

The men are ALWAYS accomodating!!!!!

Nothing like a 19 dollar piece of grilled chicken right Marc lol

Cutty630 likes this

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Nothing like a 19 dollar piece of grilled chicken right Marc lol

Ahh, It is what it is..............No biggie

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