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Chevron Bumpers

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Been noticing lately that lots of brand new rigs have Chevron Bumpers. I'd like to know why so many departments are doing this now? Is there a specific purpose for it?

Personally, if this rig below didn't have that on the bumper, it'd look fantastic, it sort of takes away from the look (Even though thats not what it's about..)

Any feedback would be appreciated.


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It is a firetruck not a sports car... Who cares what it looks like if it gets the job done safely?

OoO, firedude and dashield like this

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It is a firetruck not a sports car... Who cares what it looks like if it gets the job done safely?

I was asking if it is used for any specific reason, less about how it looks.

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All new Fire apparatus are required to have chevrons on the back covering a certain percentage.

x4093k likes this

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Increased visability without the use of additional lighting, and hopefully more safety for the crew using it. You may have to pull past a scene, and turn off your headlights to not blind oncoming traffic. With the chevrons on the front bumper, your rig is still highly visible.

peterose313, x4093k, PEMO3 and 2 others like this

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