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The "Spirit of Louisiana" is Coming Back to NY

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Fire Marshal dispatches the "Spirit of Louisiana" to Long Island

BATON ROUGE, LA (WAFB) - The "Spirit of Louisiana" fire truck was dispatched to Long Island, NY in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

For those who don't know the story:

The history of the "Spirit of Louisiana" began with the September 11, 2001 terrorists' attacks on America. The citizens of Louisiana raised funds to provide for the replacement of fire equipment for the FDNY. The first fire engine was commissioned and labeled the "Spirit of Louisiana." This truck was delivered in December of 2001. It was used for years fighting fires and protecting the people of New York.

Immediately after Hurricane Katrina, the FDNY dispatched 300 firefighters to assist Louisiana in the response and recovery efforts. Upon learning that the City of New Orleans lost many fire trucks to the storm, it was determined that the "Spirit of Louisiana" was needed back in its birth state to help fight fires. The truck spent many years responding to emergency calls in New Orleans and was decommissioned in 2010.

Full Article:

The Rig: NOT my photo; Shared through flickr

Posted Image

FDNY Spirit of Louisiana_001 by pluto665, on Flickr

Edited by firedude
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Its good to see others lending help to our area as we have helped others in there time of need its a wondeful feeling knowing that people never forget kindness & a helping hand when there down.

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Just to add to this. It served at E-283 for a while, then went to the academy for Chauffer Training, then went back to Louisiana.

JetPhoto likes this

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The rig must feel like a ping pong ball.

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