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People's Tones In Chat Rooms

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I've never been known for my "lack of intensity" around the firehouse / fireground, however on this web page I am developing a level of agitation with the way folks seem to have a chip on their shoulders. It would appear that some folks (some who have made a significant level of posts and thus aren't new to the discussion) haven't figured out that some topics are meant to be "as is" such as incident alerts. Others are intended for brain storming such as those posted regarding training or fire rescue operations. And finally other topics are just meant for fun and don't need Chief Killjoy and his engine crew of Kurmudgens to make condecending comments about the light hearted banter that is going on in them.

It's not really that hard to figure what's fun and whats serious.

SO.... I don't think I need to name the topics that are meant for fun, nor do I need to mention who Chief Killjoy's crew is because most individuals posting here are mature, intelligent emergency service related personnel and can figure out what's appropriate....

Those who can't play nice in the sandbox should just go find another sandbox to play in.

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=D> =D> Well said - i wish those people you are reffering to would lighten up, and realize that us "whackers" just want to have a little fun!

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I have been told am to serious all the time, I will try to lighten up. I have the intensity of the sun. As for your sandbox, I will not be in it, I don't even go to the beach, because I can't stand my feet in/on sand. Lastly this one is for 648, about having fun well I'm married, let me tell you a secret when you say I do a doctor come out and does a funectomy on you. Just something to think about.

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=D>  =D> Well said - i wish those people you are reffering to would lighten up, and realize that us "whackers" just want to have a little fun!

Not us "Whackers" you "whacker" That sound almost as queer as git er done

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whats a funectomy and, can it be contagoius. I don't want to catch it.

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A funectomy's first symptom is the urge to strangle someone over the color of linens and whether they will match or clash with the floral arrangments. this progresses into a catatonic state when the issue of assigned seating is discussed as well as the merits of one cake filling over another.

The terminal stages of the disease begin with the words " I Do" which progress at different rates but all end within a certain period with the dreaded " I Don't" which completes the cycle and the complete loss of a sense of humor.

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=D>  =D> Well said - i wish those people you are reffering to would lighten up, and realize that us "whackers" just want to have a little fun!

Not us "Whackers" you "whacker"

I resemble that remark

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A funectomy's first symptom is the urge to strangle someone over the color of linens and whether they will match or clash with the floral arrangments. this progresses into a catatonic state when the issue of assigned seating is discussed as well as the merits of one cake filling over another.

  The terminal stages of the disease begin with the words " I Do"  which progress at different rates but all end within a certain period with the dreaded " I Don't" which completes the cycle and the complete loss of a sense of humor.

Yes you feel my pain. I'm not alone

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