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AMVETS Bridge (TSP Northbound Yorktown) Reopens Tomorrow Morning

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I'm excited for the TSP to get back to normal!

AMVETS Bridge Reopens Tomorrow Morning

More than a month ahead of schedule, the northbound Taconic State Parkway bridge over the New Croton Reservoir will open to traffic tomorrow morning before the morning rush.


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The contractor will be paid $33k for every day the project was done early from now until Nov. 9. One lane will open by 8 pm TONIGHT. Also there will still be some lane closures from time to time for final preparations.


$ 1.2 million bonus for doing the job right. And we wonder why the state is broke.

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Anyone know if Yorktown will be continuing their Dual Response with Millwood, Tri-Village Medics and O-Vac?

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I will take paying the incentive compared to paying millions in cost over runs.

While this is true why not just have a contract that states complete by X or the contractor pays the penalty at $33k a day. That is an incentive to get it done on time also. Lets face it they got paid for the job, did it in less time, they saved already. Imagine if we got incentives for getting to calls faster than a specific time frame the public would be up in arms.
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While this is true why not just have a contract that states complete by X or the contractor pays the penalty at $33k a day. That is an incentive to get it done on time also. Lets face it they got paid for the job, did it in less time, they saved already. Imagine if we got incentives for getting to calls faster than a specific time frame the public would be up in arms.

That's what the contract is currently. They were given a date (sometime in Nov, not sure the exact) and were told to be done by this date. If they finished ahead of time, as an incentive they would be given a bonus for however many days they finished ahead of time. If they went over that date, they would be fined $33k per day they go beyond.

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So let me get this straight, since my hard earned tax dollars went into this project. The entire construction project was budgeted to cost "X" dollars to complete by "Y" date. The project was completed at "Y-37 days," and the contractor gets to keep the remainder for doing the job right? Excuse me, while I call that a very big, steaming bowl of BS-pudding.

In this day and age when all we hear is how broke every municipality is to the point where they're either threatening or actually going through with the layoffs of countless public service and public safety personnel (because, afterall, it's their fault that finances are bad), how on God's Green Earth is the cost under-run with respect to this project not being put back into the state's general fund?

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While this is true why not just have a contract that states complete by X or the contractor pays the penalty at $33k a day. That is an incentive to get it done on time also. Lets face it they got paid for the job, did it in less time, they saved already. Imagine if we got incentives for getting to calls faster than a specific time frame the public would be up in arms.

I personally disagree. I do feel it's fair that if your going to include a per diem penalty for running long, it's only fair to include a per diem bonus for getting it done early.

helicopper and nycmedic like this

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I just hope that the job was done right and the contractor wasn't rushing to finish early to collect the prize...

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So let me get this straight, since my hard earned tax dollars went into this project. The entire construction project was budgeted to cost "X" dollars to complete by "Y" date. The project was completed at "Y-37 days," and the contractor gets to keep the remainder for doing the job right?

If I read it correctly he keeps the full bid amount plus the savings of Y-37 days labor and costs not spent plus the $33K a day for being blessed with good weather and getting a job done.

I personally disagree. I do feel it's fair that if your going to include a per diem penalty for running long, it's only fair to include a per diem bonus for getting it done early.

Well we agree to disagree. I see him getting 2 bonuses: #1 the $33K a day & #2 the savings of not spending labor and other costs for the extra days. What incentive is there to not artificially inflate the time projection of a job to build in the buffer of getting a "job done early" bonus.

I just hope that the job was done right and the contractor wasn't rushing to finish early to collect the prize...

Exactly my point!!!

Edited by PEMO3

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What incentive is there to not artificially inflate the time projection of a job to build in the buffer of getting a "job done early" bonus.

The bid process distinctly has time lengths associated with it and thus any firm inflating their time projection will simply be not selected to complete the work.

Heres the real question: Is it worth spending a little extra to have such a major renovation completed early allowing to decrease the traffic and inconvenience along one of the largest and busiest arteries in Westchester Co.? My answer is certainly yes.

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They did this very same thing when replacing the Route 9 bridge in Peekskill a few years back. That job was also done by Perini, finished early, and they collected a bonus on it.

I absolutely think it's worth it for them to have a bonus. Look at the 287 project in comparison....

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I see him getting 2 bonuses: #1 the $33K a day & #2 the savings of not spending labor and other costs for the extra days. What incentive is there to not artificially inflate the time projection of a job to build in the buffer of getting a "job done early" bonus.

As previously mentioned, artificially inflated bids will be rejected initially, making this a moot point. I will go out on a limb and state that any cash bonuses are probably offset by increased labor costs which allow for early completion. The incentive to the contractor is now he can move on to his next project that much sooner. Seems to me to be a win-win for the state and private sector.

Edited by INIT915
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Well, this morning the traffic delays southbound were worse then normal. I hope they hurry up re-opening the soutbound lanes.

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Well, this morning the traffic delays southbound were worse then normal. I hope they hurry up re-opening the soutbound lanes.

According to the article on lohud today, it will take about 7 days for it to be fully operational since they have to remove the barriers and such. There was also a broken down car the eventually led to an ambulance being called for the driver of said car during the morning rush. Not to mention the fog playing a factor into the delays as well.

Things should be full operational by the start of next week.

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